
The requirements for "all-star cast" are really low these days apparently.

You can't kill Norman Bates. That was a bad call.

What is this Daktari? I've never heard of this show before. Sounds incredible, I must find it.

I would've woken up a dozen Jennifer Lawrence type girls. Plus, the alien from Alien is roaming the ship. Now that's a movie!

Infinitely? Simmer down. Sounds like you're pitching The Poseidon Adventure.

This Raffi has been around for 40 years? I never heard of him. Is he European? Wait, was he in a Simpsons episode? I think I do remember that.

This show plays like an after school special from the 80s.

No the spoiler is the image that shows Jimmy in an orange jumpsuit in court. AV Club used that image last week, which was even worse.

AV Club going with the spoiler image two weeks in a row. Way to go!

They totally downgraded the entire series by ensuring Han Solo and Luke never hang out together. It doesn't make sense. And now we lost Princess Leia so we're stuck with a bunch of average characters we don't care about. It's a shame to hear Luke agrees with me. Why would anyone listen to him while they were making

Does he rap about how big his wiener is and all the bitches he's going to bang? Does he remind us of his name in every song? So sharp!

Hidden Tiger Crouching Dragon.

This is not a good show.

Bagels are whatever. I don't get it.

How about that fake baby Emma had strapped to her while sitting on the park bench, talking on the phone with Norman's brother? That was hilarious! I feel like the director knew it looked fake so he lingered on that shot longer than normal, for the fun of it.

There's nothing wrong with Pizza Hut. It's the best chain pizza, by far. That crust!

Wait, Generation Z? Seriously, that's what the media is calling kids now? How fucking lazy is that?

What is the Canadian tradition of swearing against the church? What does that even mean? And how is "chalice" a swear against anything? I feel like something is lost in translation here from Canadian to English.

On the plus side, that scene with Danny and Colleen kung fu dancing to that Anderson Paak song was beautiful. Just perfect.

This show just doesn't make any sense. Who are the bad guys? Everyone? Are there any good guys? Why did Danny suddenly forgive Colleen for the whole lying about the Hand thing? Why/how/when did Claire the nurse grow claws and turn into Wolverine? Is Davos a good guy? Why did Danny — forget it, just so many questions