
I want to know if there are any videos of these people failing at these crazy stunts. As crazy as these look, the people seem like professionals. I haven't heard of any Youtube daredevil deaths.

That wasn't so unsettling. Kind of made the movie seem boring. I wonder if this version will include the pre-teen gangbang from the book.

Oof, this show. Now Claire is Wolverine? Wtf was with her claws? And just because Harold acts like a jerk dad doesn't make him much of a villain. I mean he finally killed someone, but still, he seems to be opposed to the Hand, so doesn't that make him on the good side? And that fucking annoying Madame Gao. Enough of

Meeehhh, I can't say I loved this new version. But I guess if they just followed the movie it might not have worked out too well either.

Wasn't this already a show on Fox that got canceled early?

Dunkin Donuts started popping up last year. We have one in Atwater Village, and another downtown. But don't waste your time, Dunkin Donuts suuuuucks. Winchell's donuts are way better and it's the exact same crappy coffee.

This reviewer seems to think the entire Marvel universe should revolve around Claire Temple. The dull and preachy, so far mostly pointless, non-superhero nurse. I don't understand the obsession. She definitely isn't helping the boredom level of this show. I wish there was more kung fu. But the good kind.

I didn't really care about Wonder Woman, but this Gal has totally made me want to see this movie.

Dax started out as a douchebag on King Douchebag's Punk'd show. Now we're just supposed to accept him as a regular actor in any other role? I refuse! He sucks.

That was such a bummer. We were so close to getting rid of Sandra. She's unbelievable. She's going to win again.

I was thinking the same thing. Were these people born 30-40 times?

Martha! I can't believe it turns out that I miss her. Anything to break up the doldrums on this show.

Nope. This was the weakest episode of a meandering season. I kept waiting for some action and they just kept teasing but nothing happened. I actually couldn't stay awake watching this snooze-fest, so it's possible something interesting happened in that 5 minutes. Doubtful. More kung fu! Come on!

Maybe it was restricted because those twins are creepy? Like one of them would be cute, but two is just too many. And then they sing at each other to add to the problem.

The first line in this one and the headline of the other one are the same. Plagiarism!

Holy crap, Rihanna is the worst actress ever. That was uncomfortable.

Season 2 is going to wear you out with boredom, but hang in there.

I agree. So far it's been two episodes of wtf? What is this show about? Who is this guy? Maybe this works for the comic book fans, but for me, who's never heard of Iron Fist, it's all new and extremely dull. I hope something interesting starts happening in episode 3.

"Exile in Guyville" by Liz Phair. When the album gets to "Flower" your girl will melt.