
What's up with Winston's beard? That thing creeps me out.

He paid $40 million in taxes one year. That's not enough?

Bleh. Now I'm going to continue not watching it even more.

What the fuck's a shamrock? McDonald's shake flavor. This is just stupid.

Goddamn Sandra owns this show. It's so annoying. She must be super charismatic and delightful in real life because she seems so annoying on every episode she's ever been on, and yet nobody will vote her off! This stupid "queen this and that" she keeps saying over and over is already played out. Go away, stop winning

That's a good question.

Also, who the fuck is that Russian kid they're spying on? I thought it was Phillip's son, but then he shows up later in a train to Yugoslavia. I think. Why do these two characters look alike? How does that help? Are they purposely being obtuse? Wouldn't surprise me with this show.

10 goddamn minutes of them digging a fucking hole. No dialog, just digging a hole. Could you imagine how people would freak out of they did that on The Walking Dead? This show is the Emperor's New Clothes.

Does it even count as being sober when you quit smoking weed?

So it's just an egg flavored/aged for a couple of months? That doesn't seem so bad.

Damn that was boring.

Why would any successful actor or comedian leave a show for some garbage CBS sitcom? Everything on CBS is garbage. Except Survivor!

Oh my god this made me laugh so hard!

He also ruined the opening of the show with that horrible little dancing and singing routine.

There aren't enough jokes left.

I never heard of this guy until a review of his book was posted here last week. Now I'm seeing him everywhere, all over the internet. He hired some impressive publicists!

I wasn't very excited about the Rogue One movie, but that turned out to be possibly my favorite of all the Star Wars movies. So I'll give this one a chance despite this Jack Black/Nerd version of Han Solo.

Has anyone been following the stock market? I'm getting rich! I think we'll all be fine.

Hey, that's an impressive cast. How bad could this be?

Jezebel owns AVClub? I didn't know that. Oh wait, Univision does! That's even weirder.