
Best show on NBC in years, I hope it sticks around for a while. I don't have high hopes based on every show being canceled too soon. Also, I don't like when these reviews use the actors' names. Reviewers at AVClub do too much name-dropping and get way too excited about B/C-listers. Ooo, Jim Beaver? THE Jim Beaver? Oh

Still doesn't feel like anything important is at stake here. What's the big threat?

Was it just me, or did the new items at Krusty Burger sound really good? Was it supposed to be that way?

How many of us would also like to be in Wonder Woman? Mwahahaha sexy times!

Yes, Rosamund Hanson! She was too hilarious on Life's Too Short. I wish someone would find a way to use her again, she's so unique.

Milieu lol

My favorite part is that she's "verified" on Instagram. So that feature is officially meaningless.

Congrats to anyone who sat through that entire snoozefest commercial. Wtf is 84 Lumber? I don't care enough to google it or even read any responses to that question.

Disappointing premiere. There's nothing at stake here. Nothing to bring me back for the next hour. Who cares about the hobo with the flash drive of sleeper cells? Whatever that means. Without Jack Bauer, you need some big stakes to make this show worthwhile.

Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz! Wow, that's the worst name in the history of bad names.

Such pettiness.

Seems kind of sleazy that companies like Starbucks and Lyft are using this terrible situation as a marketing tool.

Haha this is too ridiculous! Do non-supporters realize they are way harsher with Trump than the Republicans ever were with Obama? And it hasn't even been a week yet! I feel like these attacks are backfiring, turning Trump into a sympathetic figure. I'm worried we're heading in the wrong direction.

Vocal fryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

What happened to all the Deadpool hype? I thought this was the year they were finally going to loosen up.

I finally heard her "alternative fact" quote and she's totally being taken out of context. I wonder how many dummies don't understand her versus how many are just piling on. In context, she meant: "you say X is a fact, but as an alternative, I say Y is a fact" - Where X and Y are opposing viewpoints on the same topic.

I was not aware of that. I'm usually not up on the latest nazi craze.

Silver Lake is not East LA! It's referred to as the East Side, which is completely different from East LA. This is offensive.

Dippin' Dots has hundreds of employees? USA! USA! USA!

Frog emojis indicate racism? When did that happen?