
Are you serious? Have you ever had a job? If you're unhappy there and opposed to everything your company stands for, you quit and find another job. There are other jobs that will pay your rent. This isn't a civil rights issue.

This is America. If you don't like your job, you are allowed to quit.

Did this review just compare Trump to Hitler? Lazy.

Now they're going after his restaurant? The media's Trump-bashing is seriously out of control. Trump probably overreacts to a lot of this, but come on. It's brutal.

Seems more like Obama was slamming the media for focusing on non-stories.

Yikes. I think we can all agree it was a piss-poor year for music.

Maybe if media sites like AV Club stop giving groups like this so much attention, they will go away. This is the dumbest story. Who are these white supremacists, a couple dozen unemployed losers? The media acts like these people are taking over the country because of Trump. The truth is it's just clickbait for the

No thanks. This show was ok in season 1 when it followed the book, unbearable in season 2 when it was all on its own, and just not necessary for season 3. Zing!

Is my HD TV too much HD? Because Carl didn't have an empty eye socket on my TV. He had some sort of black rubber thing in his eye. I feel like something didn't work there.

What sense does the title of this show make?

Evan Rachel Wood was a disaster in this episode. Did she really have to cry non-stop for 90 minutes? I guess other than that she was fine, but I was too distracted by all the tears creating rivers through her makeup. Every little thing that happened made her turn on the waterworks. What the fuck was she even crying

So I was the only one surprised that William and the guy in the black hat were the same person? See, it's not that hard to avoid spoilers. Makes TV better.

This is a very very very old story. Why is it suddenly all over the Internet today?

Yup, Sandra won TWICE with that strategy.

He totally wasted the idol because it turns out Will voted for Zeke, so he was a goner anyway.

Who asked for a Tara episode? They're already resorting to wasting entire hours following around 3rd rate characters. I don't get it. I thought they had years of comics for source material.

I had Thanksgiving dinner with Florence Henderson a few years ago. And now she died on the very same day. Very sad.

Visit Armenia. It is beautiful. Hahahaha, that one cracks me up!

That is the definition of people. Your gripe is with people.

You're trying to make some point here, but I don't quite get it. This word "punkin" is not the same as your other three references. Punkin is not a thing.