
This show is barely about zombies anymore. They're just like background noise now. That weird scene where the zombies started moseying in was just an interruption of the main story, which is about bad acting.

Johnny Marr was only 23 when The Smiths broke up! That's insane. I can't wrap my head around that.

Why is everything "punkin" with this? Is the word pumpkin copyrighted somewhere?

One of the interesting comparisons between this show and Downton Abbey, is how casual the royalty staff is compared to the staff at Downton. Maybe because of different time periods? Maybe it's exaggerated in Downton Abbey? The Queen just wanders around the house and nobody seems to care much.

I think "relevant" is a bit of a stretch. "Around" is more accurate.

How is that not a cheeseburger? They use burger meat and add cheese and put it on a long bun with lettuce and tomato and such. It's a cheeseburger. Shut your stupid faces, New Yorkers!


This is an A? All right, I finally figured out the grading system here for SNL. It's not about being funny, it's about being timely and having guest hosts who make news. Ok. That's weird.

David O'Russell is garbage.

I like this show but I don't know why. I don't really understand if anything's happening. I don't like any of the employees, especially management. Other than Anthony Hopkins. He's awesome.

Also there's no way those people just guessed that gen-x guy was a cop. That was clearly a setup. They knew.

Yeah that sucked, Michaela was my favorite. Oh well.

These secrets are horrible. The only secret is American cheese, butter, and white bread. That's all you need for the perfect grilled cheese. Sometimes you can't improve upon the simplest approach. Give up with your mayo nonsensery!

Why are they lying down on a blanket on pretend grass? I don't understand late night TV anymore.

Youngling? Like the baby jedis that Annakin killed in Star Wars? That's a weird name for a beer.

What? This shouldn't be a thing. The internet is reaching because nothing interesting has happened in a while.

You people expect too much from this show. It's just gruesome fun. It's not Mad Men. My only problem with the episode was that they waited too long to kill the characters, so I didn't have the same emotional attachment to them that I would have if Negan had killed them at the end of last season.

Something about beating a dead horse.

Oh wow that's Tricia Helfer? I didn't recognize her at all until I read her name in this review. She kind of seemed familiar but I didn't really think about it. She's good in this role. Everyone on the show is good, even that weird coroner girl they added. Well maybe not the detective's husband. Time for him to go. I

The fuck is Chapman's ice cream?