
How come the Vote Down button doesn't do anything? Why is it even there?

Is there a better song than the hypnotic "Flower" for introducing your girlfriends to Liz Phair? Always a great reaction. Her early albums were just amazing.

I don't like the premise they're pushing that gen x are hard workers and the salt of the earth and they built America and nobody is more driven, etc. Isnt that the generation that invented the slacker? Grunge, emo, Bill Clinton. Just because they're older now, let's not revise history and pretend they saved the world

This was an excellent premiere. Great characters, Exciting time travel story, funny, suspenseful, just all around fun. I don't understand why the reviewer was so negative about it. Typical AV Club pooping on things I like.

It goes without saying that her horrible videos are horribly unfunny, but that trailer actually looked way better than I expected.

I don't know who those three are, so Mariah is the worst compared to the Jessica Jones and Daredevil villains, plus all the Avengers movies and Spiderman.

wtf. I love a great twist, and watching Mariah kill Cottonmouth was definitely a shock, but we lost a great villain. So now the villain is a middle-aged lady politician with a bland sidekick who wears Ray Bans? Does this count as the most boring villain in the history of Marvel movies/tv shows? Disappointing, but I

This show is too cerebral for you.

Melanie Moments was just rude. Who thought that was a good idea? Or funny? Otherwise, great episode!

Yeah, you should write for Jay Leno.

Is Mariah supposed to be a bad guy or not? I'm so confused by her. The actress acts all noble, like she's trying to do great things for the black community, and maybe she is opposed to Cottonmouth's violence, but I'm just not sure. Is she purposely drawn that way so we don't know, or is it just weird acting? I'm

My first trip to NYC a couple of years ago I ate at this deli. Very crowded with a lot of strange locals, gigantic sandwiches, and the servers were very uninterested in providing service. NYC!

This is bullshit. The answer is pizza in every state.

That was brutally unbearable. I couldn't finish watching. It was like a combination music video and MLB promo for the youths. Also they need to get rid of the Ali Larter character immediately.

I'm one of those liberals who's having a tough time getting excited about Hillary. This was pretty much the first thing she's done that's made me feel good about her. She seemed very natural and comfortable, and she played along really well. She locked up my vote!

Hader's accent was hilarious, it was Alan Alda with a slight Spanish effect. Cracked me up.

Pretty good start. My only problem with the show was any scene without Kiefer. I wasn't interested in any of the FBI stuff or his douchebag son, etc.

What is the reference to Chekov's apple? I don't remember all the episodes (I'm assuming this is from Star Trek?).

Lansbury is ever just as sure? I can't figure out what that means.

Univision owns the AV Club also? I did not know that. I thought it was only a Mexican tv channel. Maybe they should rebrand.