
This was such a bad episode. Everyone in the comments is trying so hard to pick out good parts and force themselves to like it because we've invested so much in the show, and we can remember how great season 1 is. Now it's just a glamour project for SAMESMAIL.

This is not a true story. Just clickbait for Variety and everyone else.

So within a year or two this small group of dysfunctional nerds has invented the laptop, online chats, antivirus software, the Internet, eBay, online banking, and PayPal. Sure why not.

YouTube food vloggers? So produced and sponsored by Burger King. Why are they both in a car? What sort of crowd does this genre appeal to? Gave me many douchechills.

Even when I google "super deluxe" I'm still not sure what it is. I don't know if any of the results are related to this article. Why is there no link?

Wow, thanks for the spoiler. Great job.

Perhaps they were saving that for sweeps.

Jesus, I am so out of touch with pop music. On that list I've only heard of Beyonce, Rihanna, and Drake. And not like I'm a fan, you just hear about them everywhere.

Artistic wankery! That's the phrase I was looking for.

It was a lot of great acting (other than the Turturro feet plot and that creepy prosecutor) and an interesting tone, but overall it won't be remembered. Like me. Somewhat disappointing that we never found out who killed the girl, but I guess that doesn't matter since the show was never interested in being a regular

This show is fine but you see how far HBO has fallen. It gets way more critical praise than it deserves, and I think it's just because people are hoping that HBO does something awesome like it used to. How is it already at the season finale? What's supposed to happen?

Did he really lie? Some random dudes with guns stole money from him. That was his story and that's what happened. The only difference is they were allegedly security guards. They still pointed a gun at him and took his money. This is stupid.

All Van Damme does now is parody himself. He was in an entire movie that already did this. And also a few commercials where this happened. Anytime you see him over the last 10 years he's "playing a character" of himself. Hasselhoff does it too.

That's a random comparison.

Haha, AV Club has to pay for all my stupid comments on this site?

These are all terrible movies, rightfully overlooked.

That lady is so fucking annoying.

Is this show on every day? It seems like there's a new review daily on the av club.

Did his publicist pay for this article to appear? I don't understand how it's relevant to anything, or even interesting. Maybe for fans of The Affair?

That theory is 11 minutes long. It would've been amusing if it was only two minutes.