
Geez, depressing year in music so far.

Wow that sucks.

The Visit was garbage. Still waiting for the comeback.

Oh my god look at that guy's face! I've never seen a human face do things like that. He's like a cartoon.

Dish Network doesn't offer the CW in Los Angeles anymore. That's just local channel 5, it's free for everyone who lives here. How is this happening? No NFL network either.

I enjoyed each season. I just can't believe how hard it is to make a decent movie. So many people working so hard, and they just failed miserably each time. I guess "Feast" is the closest they came to not failing.

This headline is sarcastic, right? RIGHT?

What's the fraud here? I'm missing something. They pay you for cans, he's giving them cans.

She's a bad actor.

This episode is putting the pieces together? I'm having a totally different reaction to this show. I feel like maybe it should have been a 90 minute movie, not 9 episodes. Also Winona Ryder is driving me insane. Who told her to act like a raving lunatic all the time? Just bad.

How did Obi-Wan age 40 years between his fight with Annakin and that scene with Luke? Wasn't it actually like 20 years?

Why are they busting the fourth wall like this? I don't want to know about stunt doubles, no matter how "delightful" they may be.

This was the first episode of the show where I had to stop watching. After an hour when I realized there was still another 20 minutes to go, I just wasn't interested enough. Hope it's just a fluke.

That was the most horrible thing I've ever seen.

That was Supergirl? What are you talking about? No way.

Hey let's call ourselves "The Duffer Brothers"

So who opened the door in the last split second of season 1? That's a serious continuity fuck. I guess it's not important, but if you make a cliffhanger like that you should really address it.

Who does this appeal to? Out-of-tune violin re-stringers?

I tried so hard to like this show, and sometimes it's really funny, but Rob Delaney is so fucking creepy with his sex moves I can't take it.

He's 80 years old!