
Only about 8 minutes of things actually happened on this episode. The other 43ish minutes were just people brooding and looking emotional. Typical.

Here's where the show goes off the rails. This is still a good episode.

Keen? I'm really keen to see this? Downvote.


That looks like sloppy crap. Why bother doing this? Clearly the technology doesn't work yet.

Agreed. It's like the reviewers here were told that the theme of the show was "slow" and they are ordered to comment on it every few sentences.

Stop bashing Norbert's performance. He's just a creepy dude, acting in the role of a creepy dude.

Sure, whatever.

I don't get why everyone everywhere is so bent out of shape about the Dorne storyline.

You transcribed what she said. Ok.

I watched the first 2 episodes, read both reviews, and I can't figure out the significance of that photo and why John is hiding it.

Hmm, I don't think that's what this was about.

Rose McGowan just set female equality back 20 years.

The Khaleesi is a horrible actress, it is known.

I wish critics would stop calling this the best show on TV. It's fine. Everyone calm down.

Why are you so violent about the band's name? Is that an inside joke with them?

How/why does dude perfect exist in 2016? It's like a parody made in 2006 about douchebags in 1998.

Oh wow I had no idea she was actually in real Target commercials! That makes the Checklist parts even funnier!

I don't usually like racial humor, it's tired and offends everyone, but the way this show did it was smart, wacky, and hilarious. Best episode so far!

Good lord that was so much work. And for what?