
How come we don't get a Hulk movie? Is it because the other two didn't quite work out? But it seems like they have a better idea of what to do with him now, so I say try again.

"D'aww-ed" - What is that? A regional dialect?

When did Gen-Xers suddenly become characterized as cranky grandparents?

How did this get 105 votes?

So you go through Amazon items to find reviews related to topics on the av club, and then post them here? What is the point of this? Why so much effort for such little payoff?

I don't think you remember correctly. Sure, they technically existed, but not so many people had cell phones in 1995. The writer was using a bit of hyperbole as a point.

Fridays = Cancellation. The first show I've watched on the CW in forever, and they move it to Friday night. Oh well.

He finally got some recognition and he didn't stick around long enough to enjoy it. Such is life.

The Wire! I forced myself to halfheartedly binge through 2 seasons of it over a few months, and then I gave up midway through season 3. I don't get it. Bad acting, weird dialogue, boring stories, etc.

What is "The Black Album"?

That's a weird fucking video.

Cancelled! That means 100% chance that they show the real son is alive in the next episode.

I think this reviewer wants to write for Jezebel.com. It's just a funny show, why does everything have to be a "thoughtful series of reflections"? Amy is funny.

Agreed. Stay away from his Netflix movie. They made him weird in that, and not in a good way.

Scientology has become the easiest target the last few years, with everyone's writing a book or making a documentary. It's not even mysterious or surprising anymore.

This was one of the worst episodes in the history of Survivor. There's a reason Joe has been mostly invisible this season. He sucks. And an entire episode devoted to his prostate was just horrible.

Same here. I believe Parks and Rec answers the question "how did Neutral Milk Hotel legend get so out of hand?" The legend blew up because of the show.

Come on, Norma isn't dead. We're about to get one of those lame Jon Snow/Glenn from Walking Dead "surprises" next week.

hahahaha this is great! (Other than the boring narrator of the video) I thought I was the only one who was being driven insane with all the empty coffee on tv.

Yes, you nailed it. Duskhu was a bad choice to revolve the show around.