
Still needs more work.

Now his YouTube show was canceled? Tompkins just can't get a break in this business.

To a lesser degree, this is exactly what's happening at my job, so I'm having trouble laughing about it. New boss focused on growth at the expense of my work. Still, great show!

Why was David Spade the GOT director? That really threw me off.

Sure that's the arc, but it's just wishy-washy at this point. They aren't good or bad, they just exist. After 6 episodes I'm getting impatient waiting for the action to start.

I finished this series weeks ago so i don't remember everything that happened, but I know for sure there weren't any D+ episodes. That's absurd. This reviewer has a strange agenda here.

This is moving too slow. Is that FBI guy being turned? It's impossible to tell. Either bad acting or bad writing. Are these Ladder people good or bad? No hints other than Jessie Pinkman wondering aloud, and I guess his doubt is based on the sick leader and that crazy lady who stole $40k. What's up with Cal and

Hey, I'm Munt. I've been working the battering ram for you all year long. Not that you noticed!

I don't know if this is a "good" show but I really like it, and I think that's because of the actors, especially Lucifer. And Chloe is subtly hilarious. Actually that does make it a "good" show. Looking forward to next season!

I don't understand what "forking" is. Is that a thing?

I don't like Tai. That was a bullshit move no matter how dirty Scott and Jason are. It's one thing to blindside someone but that was just Tai being an asshole. Scott and Jason should have considered the fact that Tai is sketchy, and just played the idol like a regular idol instead of waiting to use the super idol.

Viola Davis seems like the most humorless person in all of Hollywood. Even Jared Leto recognized that.

I finally saw it, I thought it was great. Not sure where all the vitriol is coming from. Sure, there were a few misses, but overall it was a fun superhero movie.


I finally got around to watching this and I just can't take it. The horrible music, the weird video transitions, and most of all Mareille Enos forcing that creepy smile through all that clown makeup. Seriously, she does not fit in this role. She looks like a child who just figured out how to put on makeup and is so

Debbie was so annoying and I'm glad she's gone, but that didn't make any sense at all strategy-wise. Dumb.

Mourning a tragic loss? Wait what? Is it cancelled? Noooooooooooooooo!

Being a queen used to mean something different in the olden days. I like how these blotchy-faced girls are reclaiming the term!

None of this happened, obviously.

That's some of the worst facial hair I've ever seen.