
Whatever. Unless Darth Vader is in it! Then hell yeah!

Maybe somebody already noted this, but didn't Amy just recently post nude-ish pictures of herself bragging about how good she looks as a plus-size girl? But now she doesn't want to be called plus-size. Does she think she's somehow better or more fit than Melissa McCarthy and Adele? Now the plus-size ladies have

This can't be what really happened. Right? This is just insane, they have to be embellishing the story or something.

What happened to Maggie's ass? They kept panning down in the shower, kept going and going and going and she has no ass crack! Is this a zombie side effect? Do any of them have asses? I hope they're going to explain this in the season finale.

I feel like the reviewer completely missed the message of the song.

Ah, ok, I remember that! Duh, how'd I forget that? Thanks!

"Insanely ambitious Margaret"? I saw the Margaret movie. I'm not sure what the insanely ambitious is about.

Who was Dwight? I missed that entire reference. I hate having to remember details.

This won't end well.

Uh what?

I love PJ Harvey, but how is she famous enough to get "community leaders" all in a huff about one of her songs? It's not like Kanye or something.

Fred in the wig with that voice is amusing for a short sketch, same with Carrie as Lance, but not for an entire episode. That got annoying.

Dennis is just an asshole. What kind of "friend" dumps you when you've dug yourself into a hole like Chip has?

Come on, almost ALL restaurants offer take out.

The one thing is the actor playing Johnnie Cochran is WAY OVER THE TOP. Yes, Johnnie was charismatic and dressed that way, but he was smoother. More Billy Dee Williams, less Samuel L. Jackson. The Darden actor is perfect though.

Hahaha, classic AV Club. If your JOB is writing about TV shows, how do you have a cable outage that last two weeks? Like if my chair is broken I get a new chair, I don't take two weeks off work. This happens constantly on this site. TV outages!

I don't think she's supposed to magical/beautiful/perfect/mindblowingly awesome. She's just cute. I think you have a secret crush on her!

I agree, Dennis is a stubborn asshole. They need to rewrite him for season 2. He seems so judgemental and jerky for no reason. Who would want a friend like that? It's one part of the show that seems forced.

I feel like the reviewer is sort of missing the satire element in this show. Dennis and Chip are clearly acting like "bros" when it's funny. Maybe not lol funny, but a subtle and amusing take on that behavior. It calls itself a comedy, so it's there.

What a great show, and then this episode sort of takes everything on a less interesting detour. Still love it and wish there were more than 8 episodes. I feel like if you can't even come up with 13 episodes then you shouldn't be allowed to make a show.