
This show is pretty funny, but I feel like it would be better without Carmichael. He's so awkward and uncomfortable on camera. His acting flaws really stand out when he's surrounded by all these great, hilarious actors. How did he get his own show? Anyway, this episode was good thanks to all the other characters.

Frank is just weak and impotent now. I liked it better when he was plotting and scheming and killing people. Now he's all talk and no action, and his talk isn't very impressive or threatening either. They neutered him.

I don't understand this. It's not a perfect ending, and it's not really funny either. It's just a thing that happens that wasn't in the original movie.

Oh brother.

Time for Carol to go. Also Maggie. And Glenn.

Lisa episodes are always the weakest, yet they still keep throwing them out there.

"infusion of folk punk and busking-infused alternative rock" what?

This was a great episode until the last few minutes where they started singing and everything just fell apart, like they didn't write enough show and had to add filler. Strange.

Whoever that actor is playing Chris Darden should win all the awards. He's freaking amazing. He totally is Chris Darden. Here's a chance for racist Hollywood to do something right. Award this guy!

Electrodub wizard. Interesting.

Yeah, I think I have to agree with A.

Oh, thank god it's in English! It's so distracting trying to watch a beautifully filmed movie while trying to read it at the same time. In 2016, there's no reason every movie can't be dubbed in English.

I didn't understand the Stacey Dash thing at all. But damn, how good did she look? Does she age? I think there was some voodoo magic on the Clueless movie because Stacey and Paul Rudd still look like they're in high school 30 years later.

Lazy reviewers here get mixed up all the time on basic things like that.

Wait, this show is "a sharp look at mental illness"? Where did that come from? Is the reviewer saying Rebecca is mentally ill? I thought the "crazy" in the title was like sarcasm. That comment seems out of left field. I mean, yeah, she's weird and obsessed about Josh, but in a non-real sitcommy way. At least that's

That's not the point. All these people who consistently mock and berate Kesha are now suddenly so supportive. They don't give a shit about her or anything that happened to her. It's bullshit. It's PR.

omg you're so clever. You must be from the Internet!

Exactly. Great job proving my point.

Great list except for #1 and 19. Those are actually two of the worst. Far from brilliant.

At least Mary is consistent. She's been evil since day one on this show.