
This is like the Bruce/Caitlin Jenner thing where everyone has to start showing respect and support for someone everyone previously agreed was annoying. Thanks Obama.

No seriously, why is Tai on the Beauty tribe?

I just realized every girl on Twitter thinks she's one of these girls from Broad City.

I don't watch anything on CBS except Survivor, but I like your style.

Interesting. I have always hated all Maya Rudolph characters, and this is one of the few times I didn't hate her.

Is anybody watching this show? It's the best comedy on network tv but I'm worried it won't get a second season.

Why did they cut this? It's funnier than everything else they aired on her episode. Weird.

I read this book! It was great so I'm looking forward to this series. But even with 8 hours to tell the story, the first episode felt rushed to me. I guess you can't avoid that?

Love the show but also I feel like two seasons of backstory might be overkill. Time for him to be Saul already.

What the fuck was that? Decent.

What's up with that girl's nose? Interesting choice there.

This was considered a "great" episode? Interesting. It didn't feel any different than any other episode really. No stand-out skits. I think the AV club's ratings are mostly based on who's hosting.

Aw man, this is disappointing. I love the idea of a Key & Peele Superbowl commentary! God, that's the best superbowl idea I've heard maybe ever! But not as these characters. They have dozens of hilarious characters and these are the ones they chose for this? So close.

Was the original X-Files a comedy like this, or was this not a typical episode?

I just want to look at PJ Harvey. This video doesn't have enough of that.

At first it was cool when he did this with his stand up special, but now he's being greedy. Five bucks for a tv show? Nah.

Seriously though, why is this happening? What led to this?

I love this: There are over 1,000 dynamic themes available for the PlayStation 4, and over 1,000 of them are terrible.

The headline is correct, this was underwhelming for this show because the show has set such a high bar! But it was still hilarious.

Ah, this was a great episode. I like this version of CC where she's part of the crew and not all judgy or Schmidt is just drooling on her. She's an actual contributing character!