
That's more like it. Right up your alley. Hilarious.

Yeah that was weird.

Stick to your stale, unfunny Seinfeld act.

That's not coercion, that's police work. They keep you talking until you slip up because you can't keep up with your lies. The truth always comes out.

Ian Mcshane isn't getting any younger, let's go already.

Yes, I get it, you're from the internet. Congrats.

Did I just insult your mom? Simmer down, loser.

This reviewer should retire. Very little of this makes sense.

How does one guy have a reunion with himself? LCD Soundsystem is just the one guy.

Still does nothing.

Simon Pegg's script? That doesn't sound like a good idea for a Star Trek movie.

Why doesn't the downvote button do anything on this site?

This is not a good movie. For fuck's sake, somebody could have told me Luke Skywalker isn't even in it. wtf? We have to wait 2 years to find out if he's retarded now.

I don't like all the creepy people on this show so I can't watch it anymore. Plus it's 10 hours long. It's like a Dateline NBC skit that never ends.

Ha, that was kind of cool.

It’s that infamous banality of evil, expressed in microcosm. What?

The Leftovers was the worst piece of garbage on tv in 2015.

I don't get this guy.

Did Ex Machina not come out this year? Maybe I'm wrong. Seems weird it's not on any lists.

Cute idea, doesn't quite work.