
This whole thing about "winner edits" is bullshit. You could say there were "winner edits" for Spencer, Keith, Kelly, and probably a couple of others. It's just how show-offs brag about how kewl they are and how much they know about the show behind the scenes.

So what are Jessica's powers? Can she be killed? She's kind of strong and can jump really high? Is there more? Where did these powers come from?

Yikes, this list goes off the rails at 27, but then back on track at 24. Until 22, when it veers off course again.

Right, I totally sifted through hundreds of comments to find yours and then posted something not at all related. Hello, freak. You're so insane. You totally belong on the internet.

Eh, it just kind of meandered for an hour. I give this a solid C for a disappointing end to a fun season.

HAHAHAHAHA You followed me here! You're not a weirdo because of the music you like, you're a weirdo because of things you do on the Internet.

Starting? Did you just join the internet?

"All the dead bodies in the morgue are skeletons because they haven’t been properly maintained." - How does the reviewer think morgues "maintain" corpses in real life? What is proper maintenance?

Where's that weirdo who thinks Sleater-Kinney is not a Portlandia skit?

Yes, this is a good show for a presidential candidate to appear on. Lol Hilary or Trump in 2016. Bleh.

Seriously, relax.

No way, that is not Rebecca Demornay. Not in a million years. Not even close.

That was the worst Tarzan yodel I've ever heard.

Still doesn't make sense.

Simmer down.

Why does every episode start with AKA? I don't think AKA means what I think it means in this show. it doesn't make sense.

That was unnecessary.

Sleater-Kinney sounds like a Portlandia skit now. I love Carrie Brownstein but she doesn't work in a band anymore.

Not only is this show hilarious, but the stories are new. They aren't re-treading the same sitcom crap. I love this show!

What is the "non-Howie Mandel" reference?