
How disappointing was that new shelter? They came back and it was the same straw hut with one wall, except bigger. Lol

Unstable/suicidal people in movies are always so hilarious and charming and everyone wants to date them. In real life they aren't so pleasant.

Glenn is alive is the most unsurprising, disappointing twist in the history of twists. They made it so obvious by not letting him appear on tv to do any interviews.

This show is a lot of fun. Makes me wonder if I should start watching Scandal.

I've never eaten a cornish game hen. They creep me out for some reason. Do they taste like chicken, or are they all gamey?

This show is easily the funniest show on TV. Every minute is just fantastic. Fresh Off the Boat is a close second place.

I thought this show was cancelled! Glad to hear it's still alive!

Glenn? I missed that 5 seconds.

What? The episode with the middle-aged kung fu dorks gets an A but this awesome episode gets a community grade of C+? That's absurd.

They make hundreds of movies every year with new characters and new stories. Feel free to watch those. Star Wars is Star Wars.

Good riddance, Oliver.

Yeah, this show was just awkward. He's right, it was not a good fit for him.

These trailers annoy me. I don't care about this new girl or the guy or new robots. It's Star Wars, I want Han Solo and Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 and such.

Nah, he's harmless. Carson seems deranged.

Who's asking for an Oasis reunion? Who knew they broke up?

Everyone simmer down. They're just having fun. This isn't a movie that's every going to really happen.

All you people bashing Trump better realize that this Carson guy is the alternative. Trump is fun, this guy is scary.

I never knew you could view a list of your favorites until you wrote it here. Now that feature makes more sense. Too bad it's gone.

Yeah I was wondering, Did they purposely age Christina Applegate to look old or has she finally turned old?

Wow. This movie was just confusing. The scene they added for Fiona just made things more confusing. Why did any of the characters do what they did? I can't imagine how awful the original "pretty woman" script was if they replaced it with this meandering almost-comedy.