
Interesting. I like this show a lot, but I thought this was the weakest of the series so far. I still gave it an A- so it's all good.

People liked that Favorites button? It always felt out of context to me. Like makes more sense. I'm all for the change.

Star Trek Voyager is an underrated series. There are some weak stories occasionally, but overall there are some great plots, and you really feel a connection to the crew. I've been watching episodes the last few weeks on Amazon Prime. Highly recommend.

Yeah seriously, what was with all his creepy awkward hugging?

Oh god that was boring. Who asked for an episode about two middle age Kung Fu posers?

Oliver is by far the worst part of the show. The kid is a horrible actor to begin with, he has no personality as a character, and every plot he's involved with is lame. His bad acting really stands out because everyone else does a pretty great job. He's just an extra with too many lines. Kill him off.

I think the name of the band is dumb, and I hate that picture of the two guys I keep seeing everywhere, and it just sounds like the National. But having said all that, great album!

Why can't they mention the name "Superman"? It's very distracting how they dance around it. I like the new Jimmy "James" Olson, how they made him into a stud. Very cute show, I'll keep watching for a while.

The AV Club: where nobody in a commenting section understands a dumb joke. So instead they anonymously attack another anonymous commenter. The Internet!

I agreed with Effie on one thing: the black driver was just too much. Other than that, it seems she's not a good producer. She loves to praise herself but all we see are problems that she creates. I don't know, maybe it's just the editing.

I'm not interested in paying more attention. It's a tv show, it shouldn't require attention. So answer my questions, braniac. How did Morgan get there but nobody else did? There are 1000 characters, how am I supposed to know who that JSS girl is?

Wow this was a shoddy episode. What was that JSS thing about? (Oh, the reviewer explained it. Weird.) Is that JSS girl the same one who was making out with some other kid? Why was that happening? How did Morgan get there but nobody else did? They were all together. When did Morgan become a superhero with a stick?

She creeps me out because she looks like a 45 year old mom trying to look younger with a lot of surgery.

I do not recognize that reference. Tell it to your mom.

Correct, I could not care less about your mom or anyone else's mom.

Haha, that was surprisingly fun! I don't care much for anyone's mom or their opinion on things, but this was actually a good read.

Thanks, douchebag.

Haha the reviewer spelled it "West Covena"

These millionaire actresses aren't millionaire enough! Give them the same millions as men! YeeeeaaaahhhhH!

What? This episode was hilarious. Definite A-