
So we're back with the group now? That isn't so appealing to me.

A Mexican restaurant in Dallas! What a novelty!

I'm not sure what "rock and roll" means in the context of this hall of fame. Seems like it's just a music hall of fame, so they should rename it.

Funny show, but it was too soon to challenge the grinder. He should be rolling through cases now. Trouble comes later.

This is not a good show.

Interesting to notice that HBO is premiering the film on a Monday. Sounds like they aren't too thrilled with how it turned out.

Sometimes they sound too poppy, like that "Way Too Much" song, and it makes me miss the original lo-fi band. Still pretty good though.

We're just supposed to believe Paget Brewster is 46 years old? Please. Whatever. That's bullshit — holy crap I looked her up and she's 46 in real life! I thought she was around 35.

This was one of the best pilot episodes ever. All the characters were great, the flow was great, the laughs were practically nonstop. The only weak spot was Savage's wife, but maybe she'll get better. Great show! Hilarious! #teenlife

It's weird how he keeps trying to make this happen. Why does he think his life is so interesting that everyone wants to watch it on TV?

"Hey I've got a great idea! Let's bring in supertalent Bill Hader and only give him 2 minutes of screentime! That will be so awesome!" - writers of Brooklyn 99.

Effie is a horrible monster, she's just garbage. Kudos to Peter Farrelly for not putting up with her bullshit.

Maybe they both figured out that nobody cares about the networks' bizarre obsession with exclusives. So dumb how every reporter on twitter races to post news before everyone else, and then other reporters get cranky when they don't credit for being first. Whatever. Maybe they should all slow down and try to be

Doesn’t feel very menschy? For those of us who don't live in NYC, what does that mean?

Interesting, the lead singer's voice sounds different than it used to. Is that just age or is it a style choice for this song?

This episode was really disappointing after hearing all the hype about how it was based on The Eagles documentary about a group of hardasses fighting each other and then singing all those gentle love songs. This was too straightforward, the weakest of the bunch. Anyway, great new show, great season, looking forward to

Vytas was creepy as fuck. I don't remember him being that creepy last time. Maybe it was his ridiculous underwear. He put a lot of thought into that choice.

Raury? Hahaha!

Look up Effie Brown on IMDB and be amazed at the garbage she's produced. This terrible "Leisure Class" movie will fit right in. Fun show so far!

Viola Davis is the Rosa Parks of millionaire actresses. What courage!