
I don't know, sounds like Metric to me.

Yeah, I'm also confused about what's going on here.

I think he needs to stop trying to push that persona of his where he's some sort of lounge singer. It's like a so-so SNL skit that's been going on for years.

The "Living with Jigsaw" short was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I forgot which contestant did that one, but check it out if you can.

On the one hand, this is the most realistic portrayal of Los Angeles I've ever seen on TV. On the other hand, the show is just so boring.

They already showed the Dronez episode. What is this reviewer talking about? I saw it on tv last week.

Bleh ,when will they stop trying to shove Kristen Wiig down our throats? She is only in horrible movies playing a horribly boring character.

A spoiler alert would have been nice.

Yup, it totally felt like an after-school special. A mostly disappointing start to the series.

Oh man his statement is hilarious! This guy is worse than Jared from Subway!

Mulholland Drive and Shaun Of The Dead how are those horror films?

But Kardashians continue to multiply and thrive. Life isn't fair.

Not a lot of effort there.

"Comedian" John Hein? Where did he get that title from? Wrong wrong wrong. There's nothing funny about John Hein.

The end of this season didn't make me eager for a second season. It was a pretty enjoyable show, but now they're just people on the run. And I guess they're going to free other robots to also be people on the run or something, or there's going to be a revolution. That's not as interesting to me. But maybe the writers

The reviewer is really bent out of shape about the title. I think that ruined the whole movie for him before he even watched it. Makes this review invalid!

Uhhh, did he really invent anthology tv? I don't know about that.

Kim Kardashian made a sex tape. That's what they embraced.

The funniest thing about this episode was how much time they spent at train stations.

There's a lot of nodding at the end of the video during the credits. That's weird.