
Oh I like that! Red Clouds!

Wow, that's some impressive career suicide right there.

I'm relieved that Colbert and Stewart have moved on because I'm tired of feeling inadequate just because I didn't watch their shows.

What's with the writer's weird political comment at the end of this article? He doesn't like Libertarians apparently. Ok thanks.

Wow that's racist. How did they miss that? Is it intentional?

Lol, imagine if the "Goldbergs" was the reason why we get no new Curb Your Enthusiasm!

I feel like this was a good topic for an article, but then they just threw together some random facts that barely supported the topic. Disappointing.

Ok show, it did it's thing, it was mostly enjoyable. Except for Cameron's permanently pained/confused/constipated/angry face that looked like she was always on the verge of crying. She might have been the reason nobody watched. Just very off-putting actress.

oh brother. Fake modesty is almost worse than just coming right out and bragging about how great you are. Maybe it is worse since now he's clearly just waiting for everyone to disagree and remind him he's awesome. That is lame.

This math is off.

Aziz needs a new stylist. His look is 1995 boy band. Oh, I guess that's the joke.

I don't know, the previews look hilarious.

I thought it was dumb how upset the girl cop was that she killed someone at the orgy. How did she think that was going to end? Did she assume she'd just leave without having to fuck or kill someone? That was just dumb.

Kevin is the worst character on this show. Why does the family put up with him? They've outcast the wrong brother, Danny.

Is every review of this show going to mention how they're using Spiffy Spaceship wrong? Who cares?

I can never get past the actress who plays Jane being a contestant on the Real World.

Such a fun season almost ruined by a disappointing ending. The M. Night Magic Touch! Instead of a cool cliffhanger, that dumb ending made me completely uninterested in a second season.

I remember when Homeland was awesome!

Oh I love that new Christina Tosi. They cleaned her up real nice for the show.

I tried watching this show but I can't get past that burping scientist guy.