
Well this is the most spoilery movie review I've read in a long time. Just because you don't like a movie doesn't mean you should give away the entire story. I wasn't planning on seeing this anyway, just saying.

You are the real superhero.

Is that a lot? How much does a regular book sell in a couple of weeks? I need some context here.

My only problem with this show is the characters keep using the names of different characters and I'm not sure who they're talking about.

Lol finally the "female Muslim Pakistani-American superhero" everyone has been asking for.

This show was great! I never heard of it before and just happened to stumble upon it last night. I like watching foreign people do foreign things with Americans around.

Why do all the critics think this season is better than season 1? It's just kind of spinning its wheels now.

Sounds boring.

Homeland? Season four was a disaster. And how is Jeffrey Tambor nominated again? There's only been one season of that show. You can't win twice for the same season.

Sadly, it's making Hannibal look like a supporting guy who can't lead his own show. He's perfect on everyone else's show, but now that he's the center? Ooof.

She served a sock full of rice. I don't care that she thinks it was clean, that's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard.

That Rhonda Rousey is creepy as fuck. The guys in Space Jam were horrible in that movie. Otherwise, good list.

Bleh Wonder Woman.

Haaha twee-tronica! That cracked me up. But seriously, there's something wrong with a middle-aged dude writing songs for pre-teen girls. I can't even wrap my head around that. It's worse than that dude who writes books for pre-teen girls.

I wouldn't call that depressing. It's just a thing that exists.

Oof, that was just brutal. Hannibal is so hilarious usually. What went wrong? I'm guessing that was just a rough pilot episode and it will take off from there. High hopes for Hannibal!


I don't ever want to see that horrible Hilary Clinton actress or her equally horrible translator. Never again. Probably the worst thing that's ever happened on Key & Peele. Clever idea, just didn't work.

That's an interesting opinion on dating. I wonder where you live. I live in Los Angeles and there's nothing unusual about taking a girl to a restaurant. I'm not rich, uptight, or a sex worker either.

Horrible Olbermann imitation.