
Gee, she just kind of glossed over the fact that she was emancipated at 14. I never knew that. Interviewer didn't feel like a follow-up on that bombshell? And then later she talks about her mom like a normal mom telling her to go outside to play. Why was she emancipated? What was outside??

This is either three years old and AV Club just found it, or the Youtuber stole this entire idea from someone else because I've seen this before.

That list of channels is unexpected. Also hard to read in that tiny, blurry graphic. Why are Nat Geo and History so high? ABC is the top? LOL. And why do people still watch the weather channel when weather is on our phones now? Etc.

So in this episode I learned the three seasons of this show span about four weeks? How is Daya supposedly pregnant? She's just fat, there's no baby stomach. Hasn't she been pregnant all three seasons? Weird.

This movie already happened. It's called The Experiment and stars Adrien Brody and Forest Whitaker.

Why does spiderman have to be a pre-teen? That's not the spiderman I remember. Spider Man, not Spiderboy. Whatever who cares.

That's what I thought at first, except for the Sheriff jumping back and forth in time.

Ha, I had the exact opposite reaction. That song and the ending killed this entire series for me.

What??? This is one of the worst episodes of tv I've ever seen. An entire episode based on an excruciatingly horrible song from the 90s? Plus the cheesy attempt at slapstick comedy in the gay Mexican actor story. This is the episode where I gave up on the series. Actually I tried two more but it's just dead to me.

Clearly they are not in the year 4028. That seems like some BS they use to keep people in line. How else can the Sheriff meet with the mom and kid before they were taken? Or maybe we're going with time travel. But if they have time travel, then just send all the humans back, problem solved. I think there are more

Puffkeepsee? Is that how you say that? Is that a city name? Hilarious!

That's tonight's episode! I hope it makes up for episode 4. I almost dropped the whole series after that disaster.

The part of the show with the gay Mexican actors is turning into a CBS sitcom. Not sure I like where that's heading.

I'm unfamiliar with Die Antwoord, and they seem to be the headliner. What am I missing there?

So far the show is a little heavy-handed with the gay angles (I know, I know, sorry they just seem stale), but I'm really enjoying it so far and I'm not having trouble following the story. This show is not nearly the mess all the critics said it was.

I just realize Naveen Andrews is the dude from Lost! I kept thinking that guy looked familiar but I couldn't place from where. Haha, duh.

Building continuity is the show's finest achievement? What a weird way to start this review. I didn't read the rest of it, that just scrambled my reading mind. Anyway, glad to see Big Head getting some extended screen time here. Something about that actor just cracks me up.

I didn't like this episode much. Didn't care for the format. I mean I guess it was still funny in parts, and it was something different to mix it up, but I prefer the regular flow with the characters interacting with each other. I missed that. But I did love Amy dressed up all sweet and innocent in that one scene.

What could they be doing for FIVE months in a recording studio? It takes that long to record 10 songs?

This show should have been on the list of 2015 Least Anticipated Entertainments. It just feels like such a stale show already with the middle-aged dude and his hip/black band leader.