
Surprising how many turds are on this list. You forget that The Beatles weren't perfect.

I think the letdown of season four was way too much Ron Howard. He's a great narrator, always a funny part of every episode, but it almost felt like he was the main character in the most recent season. That was too much.

There was no internet or instant messengers or online gaming in the 80s. They're still about 15 years away from that. Nobody was making online businesses, that wasn't a thing. Not with 14.4k modems. The premise of the show is flawed.

But she's the President.

My Ad Blocker doesn't work on these! Which one do you use? I need that.

Aw man, is next week going to be all about Stannis attacking Winterfell? That's going to be a serious letdown. I want dragons and white walkers! I can't get enough of Tyrion and the Khaleesi. The entire season could be just about them and I'd be happy. Stannis is such an uppity bore. I'm hoping Ramsey and his 20 men

It's weird seeing Jon Snow smile.

It's getting out of control. I feel like this site is a thousand Taboola ads with a bit of articles here and there.

Why is this show called Veep?

Who has the answer to "obviously a favorite show that went on too long"… True Blood? That fits except for the part about it being classic. But that's the first one that popped into my head. House? It's Heroes! Has to be Heroes! Same genre as Unbreakable.

Fun show, but I'm concerned that we aren't going to get any answers by the end. It'll wind up like The Dome, where after the first season they decided to do a second season, so they didn't explain why there was a stupid dome, so fuck that show.

Is it a "master class" in acting? That's the latest buzz-phrase all of the tabloid sites like AVClub and Entertainment Weekly are throwing around. Any acting considered good by critics is now a master class. Lol.

That's lame. So this was about money the whole time? Tracey and his people could have forced Wal-Mart to defend themselves and perhaps address a problem. Instead they just sweep this under the rug like all of their other crimes against humanity.

What is the BFG? I didn't follow that reference.

Look at them. Those Olsen ladies scare small children, that's why they aren't on the show.

Most of those annotations are disappointing. Just a name with no context.

The weirdest part of the finale was during that extra clip of Dan being a dick. There were like a dozen cameramen and sound people and other Survivor staff hanging around watching the players while they sit around doing nothing. And that goes on the entire time. That was off-putting.

That Dinklage song was bad. And I'm not looking forward to the Thrones actors making fun of their characters in a stupid musical.

Cleopatricia! That name killed me.

Thanks for the details about their Euro-tour.