
Too little, too late.

Sounds like fun!

Why doesn't my Adblocker work on the AV Club?

They really nailed this Pete story. There are so many incompetent dipshits in corporate America that everyone hates but somehow keep working their way to the top. Pete is a classic case study.

Ehhh that was kinda cute.

You're none too bright.


I know, all women in movies should be gross like women in real life. Totally. Movies need more realism, that's what they need.

This is disappointing news. Hulu is garbage. How do they get away with showing commercials in the middle of their shows? This is a pay service, it should be commercial-free. Netflix and Amazon and HBO don't pull that crap with their streaming services.

No no no. Any episode setting up a season 5 without Coach, and Schmidt back with Cece and getting married for fuck's sake, and Jess back with Nick gets a D. And it wasn't even very funny. Disappointing end to a good comeback season from the miserable season 3. I can't disagree more with the crowd about a show than

This was not an "A" episode and I'll tell you why. It would have been a funny skit, maybe 6 or 7 minutes, but it didn't have to be an entire episode. It was a little too close to beating a dead horse. Still hilarious with lots of great one-liners, and a solid B+, but not the best.

Why are we all supposed to think Fish Mooney is dead? Just because Jada Pinkettsmith said something about not returning to the show? Clearly she survived the fall into the river and she's still alive, and it will be a most disappointing and anticlimactic return when we see her again. I hope season 2 is 10 years after

That was a great song! I think her dad was someone famous also.

Lol the reviewer can relate to Mike because he works six-day weeks. Sitting around watching tv and writing reviews in your underwear for 15 bucks an hour isn't quite the same as being in charge of the President's communications.

Nobody likes Pamela, but watching her ass-rape Louie might change everything. Or the opposite.

This season is fine, maybe slightly above average. The only bad part is it's going to have a disappointing winner. I don't want any of these dipwads to win. I guess Tyler since he's least jerky. Or maybe the girl.

Is this one of those ironic/sardonic headlines the AV Club likes to do?

That's not true. That's clearly not a Norwegian accent. Come on.

Hey the girl from the AT&T commercials is in this. I like her.

This was the perfect role for Rapaport, who I've always imagined is EXACTLY like this character. I'm pretty certain that's how he is in real life. No acting there.