
Holy crap how many characters are there and why/how do I remember all of their names?

I really hope M. Night can turn things around for himself with this series and give us something awesome, but I'm worried it won't happen with that uninspiring cast of meh.

This show should have been on Netflix where you can watch it all at once. It just moves too deliberately as a weekly series so it seems like very little is happening. And now the whole thing with Martha is on hold. I can't believe they barely mentioned her at all. Annoys me.

Great first season, made even better by the annoying real life Eddie Huang who won't stop whining about it.

Is Fisk really that evil? I feel like they didn't make him evil enough. Sure, he killed a few people, but that's standard bad-guy stuff. I'm not sure what his overall evil plot was supposed to be. Gentrification? Trying to turn a building full of gangs and drugs into something more respectable and safer? Loving boring

Come on, every review here of the Simpsons has the same thesis, "This isn't as good as it used to be." OK, we get it. Move on. This is a hilarious show. I want to start a new trend: Early seasons aren't as good as you remember. They don't all age well, like that one with Dustin Hoffman as Lisa's teacher. It's horrible

Do the reviewers get paid by the word here? I can't imagine any of the 927 comments are about anything not covered in the review.

I don't see why Foggy got so bent out of shape about Matt. He just found out his best friend is a blind superhero vigilante! Come on, that's awesome!

2500 bucks for a Portishead song? Sounds like a good deal to me.

Is Batman some sort of robot monster thing in this movie? What's going on with his voice and his eyes?

What was the "defining moment" of The Americans they mentioned above? I didn't notice anything special. I mean there were good things, but nothing I'd call a defining moment. The thing with his fake wife at the end?

Good point. Why did she sign up for the show when the character is really just a glorified extra?

Love this show, but I agree with the reviewer, that I couldn't care less about whatever Foggy and Karen and the old reporter guy are up to. Doesn't seem related to anything good going on. When does he call himself Daredevil? Where is his cool red leather suit? What's up with the bald bad guy and his surprisingly hot

"Margo Martindale’s return to The Americans is the headline-grabber"? What the fuck show are you watching?

This season isn't horrible, and it isn't really boring, and the people aren't awful, but it's not that great either. So it's just an average season. Which is disappointing because Probst was hyping this as one of his favorite seasons ever. Maybe something interesting will start happening soon.

There was another movie on the Netflix I saw a couple months ago just like this. The Den, that's what it was. Where everything happened on a computer screen. So this isn't so innovative.

I loved this movie when it came out and never understood why people hated it. But then it was on TV a couple of weeks and I tried to watch it. Ooof, it did not age well.

They canceled this show already? For some reason I thought it was one of their successful shows. Lol.

What is the butcher joke I'm missing?

Nothing makes me more excited for this season than Tyrion and Khaleesi teaming up to conquer the world!! But also I realize they probably won't even meet until the final episode and that whole storyline won't come until next year. Anticipation!