
The most boring part of these reviews is the ongoing bashing of the Weekend Update crew. It's been going on for years. It's just weird.

For some reason it really bothers me when a reviewer misses a joke like that. Are they even paying attention?

No, dummy.

"Under The Skin" was garbage. "A Separation" was mostly boring, I'm not sure why everyone gets so excited about it. But other than that the list was fine, plus a great job of adding "Tree of Life" at #3!

The editing this season is really pissing me off. More so than in past seasons, it seems they're showing all these secret discussions where something interesting might happen at tribal, but then the idiots just vote like idiots. This episode was extremely frustrating because we could have been rid of that horrible

That sounds boring.

The worst thing about this show, almost worse than when Jess and Nick were dating, is Cece and Schmidt. I'm glad the reviewer pointed it out. I was beginning to think I'm the only person who feels that way.

Pfft, as if.

I think I figured it out: you don't understand sarcasm. You tried being sarcastic but it was hard to tell. Then you read my sarcastic reply and you didn't get it and went on that weird rant. Simmer down, buddy.


Not a fan of "T-Rex Arms" Dushku. But I'm sure the show will remain awesome. I think the writer here was bashing the show as light porn? That was weird.

I can fuck a waitress just by giving her a good tip? What the hell planet does that happen on? Was that a thing in the 60s? That was one of the most confusing scenes. I was convinced it was another Don Draper dream.

Ok ,

The actress who plays Jennifer Goines is not the best. She seemed way too awkward and uncomfortable in that takeover scene, when she should have been in control or at least batshit crazy.

That tweet counts as an announcement?

Well, it was a pretty cerebral joke, so I could see how you wouldn't get it.

Are you being sarcastic? If so, that's a weird response to my stupid comment.

Agreed. I think she's bad at her job whether or not she's measured against Don. Busting your ass doesn't matter if you aren't any good at what you do.

Maybe he shouldn't drive so fast. Problem solved.

The hardest thing for me to deal with on this show is how terrible Peggy seems to be at her job. When she pitches something or tries to be assertive, it comes off as a pale imitation of Don. Which is maybe the point since he was her mentor and that's some sort of her "growth" or whatever in the story. It just doesn't