
I'm having trouble with Sleater-Kinney's new music. It all feels like a Portlandia skit to me now. This video won't help me get over that.

This season just snuck up on me! I got lucky that it was in my DVR queue from last season. This network doesn't do a good job of reaching me through advertising. I'm not even sure which network it is. Anyway, great start to the season!

Why do they keep remaking foreign tv shows and movies that we already watched on Netflix? That's not a good idea anymore.

Is that what the girl from Churches looks like? Zing!

Yeah, maybe you're right. They had to go in a different direction. Although I did watching him destroy everyone.

I have two episodes left in this season, and damn is it disappointing. The first two seasons were amazing. Now it's just a political show with barely a hint of the Darth Vader that Underwood used to be. He's been neutered.

Dakota Johnson is a national treasure. That fact needs to be recognized. She's got an extra something going on. I never really noticed her until this show. She's got serious presence and an easy charm.

Now our heroes are the invaders! I think I like this angle.

It was a cute show and I enjoyed it, but the critics are just going way overboard on this.

Only 8 months!

What is this from?

You're right. But it's hard to pay attention because the things going on are going on so slowly. I liked the first couple of seasons, but I guess I just don't like this show anymore. Everyone else seems ok with it. I'll move on. Better Call Saul is awesome!


Is this serious or like an Onion joke? It looks like a white and gold dress.

You're right, that pegging episode was an A+!

I don't watch anything on CBS, but this is what I imagine happens on CBS. It was a bit of hyperbole to make a point.

This season is so dull. Nothing is happening. Nothing. Think about it.

Something has gone terribly wrong with the show this season. It's like they brought in all these "professional" TV people with experience making TV shows (which they bragged about everywhere before the season started) and they're trying to turn Broad City into something that would fit on CBS. It's not as wacky as the

The problem with this season was clearly Nathan and Andrew. A couple of duds we all predicted would be in the final after week 2. At least now Nathan can support his family, because apparently that's what he's doing with his money. Weird kid.

"Why is this steak white?" When he gave her the broiled chicken, that was hilarious!