
God I hope that bald cranky doctor isn't on the show full time now. That's a serious downgrade from Adam Pally. Possibly the worst downgrade in television history.

Part of what makes Keith so great is his short fuse. He has very strong opinions and sometimes he goes too far, and it's always fun to watch.

Really, now Cece likes Schmidt? That's the stupidest idea. We've already gone through that. Talk about some lazy writing. Can't this show find anyone else on the planet for her? She's allegedly a model.

Mooney’s storyline doesn’t move too much this week? What? She gouged out her eye! That was quite a move I thought. Very unexpected and awesome. One of the few times this series has done something unexpected and awesome.

I watched these on the Netflix. The 2nd and 3rd movies weren't as good as the first one, they were kind of dull even, so I'm ok with them stopping after one for the English version.

This show is almost becoming hard to follow, but not in the good way.

I saw that the actress who plays Rose is Cinderella in a new movie. I thought the actress who played Sybill was going to be a star when she left the show, but that's not working out. Rose has something extra, she's definitely going to be huge.

I'm not really sure how that's a joke or how it's offensive. Weird.

The reviewer makes a great point here: The weak link on the show is the main character! That little boy and his creepy voiceover adult are less interesting than everything else happening on the show. Still, they aren't so bad as to ruin the show at all. It's still hilarious all around.

I disagree. I'd much rather watch Winston being Winston or Schmidt and Nick doing their thing or other wacky group adventures. Season 2 almost killed this show with that horrible Nick and Jess relationship buzzkill.

Lol Cosby is not down.

Lol this took an unexpected turn! That update with Bill Cosby releasing a statement in response to Norm's tweets is bizarre!

I know her from her boobs in Homeland.

Actually, maybe the Oscars did get it right this year, but 2014 was a really bad year for movies.


Speaking of the American Girl movie, who were those judges in the MasterChef Junior clip? I saw Joe and two random dudes.

This is the final I predicted back in week two of the show! I predicted it just based on their level of creepiness being equal to the past winners.

This show is so much better when they aren't trying to shoe-horn another boring relationship plot. Just stick to the funny wacky parts. I'm glad they got rid of the British guy, but don't start with Cece and Schmidt again.

That "incest is the best" line was so cheesy it took me out of the show. That's like something I heard in 8th grade. bad bad bad
