
Another Steve McQueen? How many does one society need?

I don't know, I'm not very upset about this.

The Edith storyline is really creeping me out. It feels out of place in the show, and all the characters involved look so uncomfortable. Maybe that's the point the show is trying to make, that this is an uncomfortable situation.

I like the idea of this movie, but the slapstick comedy approach is disappointing. When is that ever not annoying, unless Mel Brooks is doing it in 1974?

Why won't anyone admit 2014 was a horrible year for award-worthy movies? This is a pretty shitty list.

Also Kristen Wiig.

That's her specialty!

That was weird.


It felt good to see all of Maura's asshole children get what they deserved in the end. Especially the shithead son, who now gets his own bible-thumping frat-boy son to deal with. Sweeeeet!

An interesting part of this show is how all the "regular" people are super creepy, especially Maura's grown children. They're probably the worst adult children I've ever seen on TV. Just gross and horrible in every way. Meanwhile, all the trans people are the normal ones that you'd want to hang around with. When I

I like this idea, but I guarantee it won't work.

Lol an asshole reply on the internet! What a treat!

I'm glad they gave up on the whole Baby Bruce Wayne thing. No need to continue pretending this show has anything to do with Batman.

This season is going on too long. I think maybe it should have been 8 episodes. Looks like I still have like 6 more to go in this one.

Sigh, another new year with the same old whining about The Simpsons here. The AV Club is totally real world Comic Book Guy.

I'm glad they killed off that annoying blonde lady. She was annoying.

How is it a breakout performance if nobody has seen it?

That's disappointing. She's so bland and generic. I was hoping they'd do something interesting with the new show.

"The Serial filmed sketch was meticulously crafted, accurate, and not inherently funny except as a reference machine."