
This is perfect: "The Serial filmed sketch was meticulously crafted, accurate, and not inherently funny except as a reference machine."

Here's my view from someone that doesn't watch his show. I watched the finale and it was bizarre and slightly creepy. Infrequently funny. I think that's because he built an audience over the years and if you aren't in on the jokes they just don't make sense. Same thing with Colbert Report. I watched that finale and

Terrorists always win. Makes me sad.

Coherence was the best movie of the year! Definitely better than all the movies above it in this list.

Good end to an ok season. The worst part of it is that the word "twinnie" became a thing I'm now aware of.

Simmer down, spaz. You must be one of their mothers.

Bleh, what a horrible year for entertainment. Except for TV. TV was great.

What is this for?

I love when they mention something is "the first time in the history of this show!" This is the 2nd season. That's some history.

This is my favorite food show by far (the only one I watch anymore), but it's complete bullshit. No way 8 year olds can cook like that. Not even 12 year olds. They're editing out a lot of details. But besides the bs cooking, the show is so much fun and I'm glad that douchey kid didn't win!

That actually sounds like an interesting premise for a reality show, but since it's MTV and the Real World and reality TV, I'm sure it's going to be a horrible mess.


Devastatingly great? Lol

Such a weird year for movies. I don't think I've even heard of half of these, and on the other side of it, I can't think of any really great movies in 2014 either.

This is an incorrect point in the review: "Carver doesn’t actually catch anybody. The killer calls him on the victim’s phone." The killer calls him because he knows he's been caught. That was pretty clear in that final interview with his son.

Who are the Internet a-holes with all the "online outrage" about this joke? Is this from the same internet that posts YouTube comments? Or the twitter racists?

Excellent top 10!

This was the first time I didn't find Billy Eichner's "acting" annoying. He fit perfectly in this episode and wasn't just screaming all the time.

Great episode! But yikes what happened to Julia Stiles? I guess that's why we don't see her in movies anymore.

This just seems like a list of all the shows. Too many for a "best of" list.