
Great show, but Gina just doesn't seem to fit with everyone else. That's the one character they can drop.

There's nothing "cute" on their twitter. It's historical and such.

Creative negligence! That sums it up. I'm sort of enjoying this game, and it looks good, but it doesn't have the fun story of Far Cry 3. Why am I running around this country helping people? Who are all these people? Who was my dad? Why am I in Shangri-la? Just a lot of action with no rhyme or reason to it. I'm just

Why is the narrator on Jane the Virgin immune from being the "worst"? Just because he has a cool accent? He's way too intrusive on that show. I lump him in with the rest.

No way, that was not Gopher! I have to look this up. Holy crap he barely looks like himself anymore. Are we sure that's him? Yeah I suppose so. Also I'm not a fan of the actress playing Danny's mom.

I watched a couple of episodes today. Stupid Hulu only goes back to episode 3 so I missed the first two. Anyway, good show except I could live without that interrupting narrator all up in my grill. Maybe they explained him in the first episode that's not online anymore.

Congratulations on being an asshole on the internet.

Funny how in America people used to be innocent until proven guilty. Now it's like the Salem witch trials around here, with the Internet Mafia instead of teenage girls.

Why did Jeremy give up his reward? And that girl also did the same thing. That was the dumbest and most pointless move I've ever seen on Survivor. Seriously what was the point? Especially since Jeremy got voted out by John anyway. Just dumb. This season is dumb but I keep watching for Jacklyn. Oo la la!

Why does this reviewer keep complaining about the improvised bits between sketches? I think they're funny, and it's different to see comedians just being their hilarious selves. Another brilliant episode!

TV executives are making millions of dollars to make pointless decisions like this.

Hey, I did this story on my twitter. Orphan Black and Orange is the New Black are two shows that should have stopped after one season. I loved both shows in season 1 but couldn't finish season 2 for either of them. They were the kind of stories that shouldn't drag out too long. We get it, you have a bunch of twins. We

Am I really the only person under 40 who watches this show? I like it. Easy, pulpy fun. I'm pretty sure it's better than any of the crap on CBS.

This entire interview is about the cheesecake factory. Yes, that's something I'd expect from a Twitter celebrity. Zing! JK she's awesome.

This band was just a lesser version of The Smiths, The Cure, Psychedelic Furs, Echo & The Bunnymen, or any of a dozen other similar 80s alt bands. They were extremely dull and only had one okish song. Not a fan, not interested in this book. I would like to thank the AV Club for providing me a forum where I can finally

I thought he was hilarious in "The Internship" movie. Very underrated flick, totally rewatchable. I like when he invented the Share-o-gram app and kept talking about posting things "on the line." Seriously, watch it again.

I wonder what it's like for the actors now. They were in a pretend relationship for 10 years, always hugging and kissing and being overly affectionate with each other. And now the show is over and so is their fake relationship. I wonder if they miss touching each other. Maybe they secretly hook up!

The reviewer makes a good point here. They're focusing on the wrong characters. Enough with the boring scooby squad, and boo-hoo about his wife and creepy kid, whatever let's get into the master and his assistant and that weird old guy who's funding him.

The previews for next week's show always makes it seem like the next episode is going to be a lot more exciting than it actually is.

I thought I understood the plotline with the two reporters, but after this episode it turns out I don't. Also not sure about what's going on with the houses for sale. Other than that, I'm really enjoying this season.