
I'm surprised the reviewer was so excited by that screeching giant woman at the end. That was the worst thing of the season, by far.

I sort of liked this show but it confused me; I didn't know what to think or feel. It seems wrong. I'm pretty sure it's not a great show, so i get doubly-confused when people praise it.

I still don't know or understand what a Weisman score is, so that whole thing doesn't work for me. Is that a real thing in real life? I guess you can download things faster with a higher score? Whatever. Luckily this show is hilarious and the techy stuff doesn't really matter.

Lol Apple. Remember when they used to think different? Steve Jobs is rolling around in his grave.

Wow. This Cohen guy is worse than any Kardashian.

So I'm not alone, nobody knows!

AVClub just cracks itself up with its mostly dumb list of songs.

I still don't know if her name is pronounced like Gina or Jenna. Anyone?

Lol Sir Old Guy and Sir Sexy Time! I also agree that they're going to go the mistrial route since both the fighters died. There's no way they'll kill Tyrion. Or I guess they would but I hope not.

What a great episode! Such a gut-punch, on top of the usual GOT despair. They even managed to make the boring storyline about the people on the other side of the wall semi-interesting.

"Derek" is such a confusing show. In some circles it's considered sweet and beautiful and almost genius. And then other groups (like AV Club) think it's mostly a disaster. I can't even tell if I like it while I'm watching it. Just confusing.

What the hell is your problem? I'm sorry my complaints are so offensive to you that you've been following me around and lingering on it for 2 years. Get over it.

What's the point of Stan living across the street? They've really dropped the ball on that issue. Instead of something spy-related, when he's home they just focus on his marriage falling apart. Maybe next season something will happen.


Lol nerd.

This was fun, I'm glad it's back. I wonder how they're going to do the real-time thing in only 12 episodes. That doesn't equal 24 hours. Also I wish I could remember how the previous season ended. What did Jack do to Audrey? Why has he been hiding for four years? I couldn't keep up with the references to past seasons

Is that the problem? They're too cheap to pay for dragons so that's why we only get 2 minutes of them per season? Ridiculous.

Two minutes of the Khaleesi. wtf? Can she just get her own show? I want a full hour of her. And where are her dragons? Oh good, that breast-feeding lady and her creepy son are back. Let's spend 20 minutes on them. And another 20 minutes with John Snow and a bunch of dudes fighting another bunch of dudes for whatever

I went on a business trip to Canada last year and expensed all of my donut purchases at Tim Horton's. So there you go, that's why you need a receipt.

Wow, you watch that video and it makes you think the game is utter shit? You have some pretty high standards there.