
I don't like the "Amy Goes Deep" segments. It's just 2 minutes of a totally different show that doesn't fit in with the rest of it. Eh whatever. She's hilarious!

Ser Pounce! hahahahaha!

Hey guess what, stop bashing white males. Check out Arsenio. And as much love as Chelsea Handler gets, how do her ratings stack up? George Lopez. Joan Rivers had a failed show. It's just disturbing that every article about late night tv has to throw in some line about how we need women or non-whites hosting a show.

Come on. It's common knowledge that nearly his entire writing staff is women. His ego just demands he put his name as the writer for almost every episode. He fired that one writer who won an emmy for Mad Men because he needs all the glory.

You're absolutely right, good observation. I'm just saying I liked it better when Don was leader of the world, not this sad guy clinging to the way things used to be. Nobody likes him. I guess they want to end the series this way, or maybe he'll win in the end. Seems to me this is a woman's fantasy, destroying a

"Velocity is its own reward" - did you see that on the wall? Clovis was the greatest Facebook parody ever! And yet, Facebook headquarters is already a parody of a real business, so how do you parody a parody? The "jokes" in this episode are real things they do at Facebook, so in this context it was hilarious. Just

Wow, they really went out of their way to prove this show is almost all women writers. They're getting off on neutering Don, the strong male figure. Because that's how women think this powerful man would behave? No, because the writers are enjoying making a powerful man shrivel into a shell of himself.


Oh, Gad is being blamed for that? Weird. I don't know how I missed that connection. Thanks.

uh. Nice drawings.

Why is Gad being fired? I feel like there's a whole storyline I'm missing.

What? You rapist-agenda folks are like Tea Party members. Your points barely make sense and logic just doesn't work on you. Your particular argument doesn't even match the argument that the rest of your lunatic group goes with. I understand the issue, and it's stupid whining about rape on a tv show with dragons and

I guess the writers think they have to keep the drug plot going because there's nothing else and the show can't just be Norma and Norman. I guess? It's like there's a separate, boring episode of another show on USA network forced into each Bates Motel episode.

This was an odd episode. It's like they ran out of jokes. I'd already seen the Chrissy Teigen bit all week online, and the rest of the show seemed off. Oh well, still hilarious.

lol what's wrong with you?


But nobody on the internet had any problems with that one dude eating that kid's parents. Or that old man who was impregnating all of his daughters. Or castrating Theon. I guess it's ok that the brother and sister were having sex and making babies - as long as he didn't rape her. Or 100 other disturbing things on Game

Damn this is far and away the funniest show on tv. I have to rewind a few times to catch some jokes I miss from laughing at other jokes. I can't think of another show that makes me lol as much as this one.

Wow that's a serious, major, major double downgrade.

Wow, you watch too much tv if you think that's real.