
Exactly. This is how people IMAGINE things happen in Hollywood. Whoever came up with this lawsuit has the same imagination.

Oh come on. Rape doesn't happen like this in real life. This is like a movie rape.

I'll be fine if I go the rest of my life without ever hearing Ed Sheeran again. That was horrible.

Were those actual basketball players on the team? I thought I recognized the guy who called himself Robin, but I didn't know who the rest were. Yes! FU, NBA!

Bullshit. You're inventing that, or you have comprehension issues.

This was a weak episode, one of the worst (of a great series). The end was completely out of left field. Where did that come from? She's spent the entire series disliking the Russian dude, and all of a sudden she learns how to beat a lie detector in an afternoon, and then sleeps with the guy? No.

Bleh. What a horrible idea. Also, is that a recent picture of her at the top? So she decided to get old-lady duck-face surgery? Good move.

I DON'T like Kathleen Robertson, And I agree I need this drug storyline to have some sort of point very soon.

This sounds like a horrible movie. Who's interested in Westerns? Nobody, that's who. I'm glad gawker ruined it so maybe he can write something interesting.

I'm enjoying this show, but it seems like Norma isn't crazy enough. She just acts like a slightly overprotective mom. She should be batshit looney. Norman is just turning nuts on his own. Too subtle.

How is this better? Why is the internet all in a huff about the twist ending? Simmer down.

Is this as awkward and uncomfortable as his appearance on Seinfeld's comedians with coffee show? Yikes.

I'm sure, but my point is the audience gets in the way because they won't shut up. All that forced cackling cranked up to 11.

Green pepper? Bleh. I like how you complain about weird toppings and then put green peppers on yours like that's the standard! Lol

I'm no tree-hugging hippie vegan or anything, but I couldn't disagree more. No food makes me feel worse than steak after I eat it. I literally feel gross and almost ill for the next 24 hours. And it always seems like the dumbest choice on the menu. I'm probably the minority here.

How do people watch that show? That audience is annoying as fuck.

I'm not sure how I feel about a show glamorizing Charles Manson. This isn't like Hannibal with a fictional evil character we can enjoy. A whole show about a real monster with real victims, who currently exists? I don't know.

Cesar Chavez movie didn't even cover his boxing career. No mention of the De la Hoya fight at all!

Lol I was almost in the movie too.

Dudes shouldn't "giggle with delight" at things. This reviewer needs to simmer down.