
The water filter?

Perfect how that predator took advantage of that poor girl who just got out of a serious relationship! She's emotionally fragile. Lol lots of laughs!

I knew I missed something!

He's just a fictional character. The writers of this show act like this in real life! That's where they claim to get these stories. They are the creepos! Douche chills all season long.

Courts don't have anything better to do? So he stole 20 bucks here and there. Those folks just would have given their money to Pat Robertson or some other wacko.

Is this real or an Onion article? The lines of reality are too blurred here. I seriously can't tell if this is real or not. That horrible beard, the "Steakflower" name. Is he really not on the show anymore? So many questions.


What is wrong with you? Simmer down, princess.

So Veronica and Piz have been dating for 7ish years, and she's never met his parents? That just didn't make sense to me. And why weren't they at least engaged, if not married, after such a long time? I feel like I missed a plot point there.

I'm glad such a large number of commentors disagree with the reviewer and agree with this comment. This was far and away the best episode of this mostly dull season of nothing happening.

Why are you getting all the credit for my joke? I guess I was too subtle.

Have you seen the knockers on that thing?!

That's disgusting. What's wrong with you?

Wow, you read through all my other posts? That's creepy. Douche-chills.

My point is I'm tired of hearing all you East-coasters whining about your cold weather. Poor little babies! We haven't had rain in 3 years in this state, we're running out of water for everyone, and soon it will affect the whole country as our farmers lose all their crops and YOU won't have any food. We have a

Who is Sandy? Who cares about Sandy time?

It's so weird how articles all over the internet keep referencing this "long, hard winter" when we literally had 3 days of winter in LA this year. I can't connect with these stories.

lol I hurt your feelings

What's the "horrible" part of this?

Wow, how'd they score Tig Notaro?? That hilarious lady is a powerhouse. So on fire. Sarcasm.