
Hmm, I don't know that reference. I meant how Ned is the most god-loving dude on the show, and he's lost both of his wives.

Fuck Oprah, Fuck Lohan.

lol what a great idea.

Poor Ned. I love how this show mocks people who take god way too seriously.

I was disappointed to see that this was a show geared towards children. And the music was really horrible.

So you're saying it was just pretentious writing. Figured.

That was a good one, he really enjoyed talking about his career. I get the feeling some of the actors who do this feature are forced to by their publicists. Or they just hate their careers, or their lives.

Oooo, this show sounds fun! What channel is it on? Please not WB.

No, you misunderstood. THIS PARTICULAR episode was pointless and dull, focusing on two side characters with little personality, so killing one of them might have saved it. Nothing of interest happened.

I'm in love with Nicola Peltz, so I take offense to this review bashing her. Having said that, I agree, I only care about her storyline if it involves Norman. Maybe it would become tedious if they only focused on Norma/Norman, but that's all the good stuff.

Who is Terry Gilliam? JK, I don't care. I only know who Zack Snyder is because this article says who he is.

Really? She's like 13.

What? She's like 15 years old.

Ugh, this season suuucckksss so far. It's almost as boring as the season they wasted on that stupid farm. Who asked to spend an entire episode with Carl, and now with Darryl and some blonde girl who's had about 2 interesting things to say in the entire series. I was at least hoping they'd kill one of them off to make

C sounds about right. This was a pretty dull episode, and not even any hot babes to perk things up.

Glad this show is back. It feels right.

Whoever that is. This is an entire world I'm unaware of and uninterested in, that's my point.

Oh boy. Controls ants, you say?

Beyond underwhelming. Crash is just a horrible movie compared to all movies, not just Oscar winners.

Why is there a sudden desire for Antman? Constant news about this weird character. I never even heard of Antman, but he's probably the lamest superhero. He shrinks to Ant size? Or gets ant strength? Either way, forget it. Let's focus on the Justice League and Batman vs Superman.