
lol they forgot! 303 comments before this one, I wonder how many others made this joke. Too bad they turned off the downvote count.

Star-studded? I don't think "star" means what you think it means.

Can you imagine your kid walking in on you while you're 69ing? Or even worse, being that kid and seeing it? That should win some sort of award right there for brilliant televisioning! I don't think I've ever seen that before. Just a small taste of how subtly awesome this show is.

Xbox? Wtf? Everyone knows Frank plays the PS4. Damn, that's just some lazy criticism right there.

When is Eric the Actor's episode? I will watch that.

You had me with the boring husband plot, but then you just hate the entire show, so I can't upvote this.

The whole review is just bashing the show, yet then the reviewer gives it a B. Grades make no sense. When will they bring back the feature where we get to grade shows? I'

Who is this for?

That suit! Holy crap! Forget this creepy kid, there should be an entire post dedicated to Nimoy's suit.

I do not like the scientist with a mullet character. He is a horrible horrible actor. And the director should be fired for letting him act that way. Is he supposed to be some sort of savant with no social skills? Fine. This isn't how to portray that. It just looks like bad acting and ruins every scene he's in.

This slow build-up to a finale, the excellent acting, mysterious characters, endless speculation online, creepy atmosphere…all leading up to one hell of a disappointing end. I am prepared for a huge let down.

Amen! Horns are the worst thing about late night bands. They ruin everything.

Based on that clip, they could EASILY become the best late night band of all time. Late night bands are dull and especially overrated with everyone praising them constantly.

How do I get one of these?


Lol "talents"

Come on, have you heard their music? "Music" They're just a media machine, not musicians.

I'm looking forward to the World Cup in the Middle East. Wait until you see what women are allowed to do there! The internet is going to explode.

Lol "Sing a song" - Yeah that's what they were doing.

They were just released from prison and go right back to stirring up trouble. What could go wrong? The video is slightly disturbing, but that's what these girls wanted, so fuck it.