
Evolution of hip hop dancing? Did he give credit to that comedian who invented this skit, or did he just straight up steal it?

You're right! I see it now. That's messed up. Why would someone put that on Wikipedia?

This review is a good example of how critics can overanalyze a show by breaking it into pieces and focusing on bizarre tangents and missing the overall theme. This is a show about characters, Frank and Claire. It's not about politics. Sure, the setting is political, and the plot involves a lot of politics, but the fun

They must have fixed that. I didn't get any spoilers. I've finished the season, maybe what you thought was a spoiler really wasn't.

Funny you mentioned that, I just commented how I saw Kate at the dog park the next day and she looked like she wanted to kill herself. All that posing wore the poor girl out.

Fun story: On Saturday I saw Kate Mara at the dog park here in Silverlake. She looked miserable. Definitely not excited about the new season of the show she was just killed on. Lol lots of laughs!

I'd say Fellows is even worse because his characters are just fancy people living a country life. Everyone in Game of Thrones lives in a warzone and mostly expect some deaths and tragedies.

They're still in Russia! Lol lots of laughs.

Which Denny's do you work at? This is serious culinary artistry you mock, sir!

Well of course “Everything In Its Right Place” would include a pan-seared diver scallop with yuzu fluid gel. What else could it be?

Ha, that's the truth! I just wrote the same thing in the comments before I read yours. I can't think of a writer who hates his characters more than Fellowes. I mean it's just ridiculous.

At the carnival when Edith said something about how God hates her, I chuckled. The one who hates Edith is the writer and creator of Downtown Abbey, His Royal Highness Sir Julian Fellows. He sits around thinking up new ways to fuck over all of his characters every week.

When we first saw the meth lab, there was some monster dude walking around in a gas mask. We didn't see him when they actually got to the lab, so I wonder if something else is happening there. Or if it was just bad editing.

For me, this one was way better than last week's episode. I think that just means I hate Carl.

That guy looks like Robocop. He speaks Swedish?

Oh come on with all those down votes. It was a legitimate question. Nobody's answered, so clearly nobody else knows either. So are they or are they not?

Who said that people have only two desires, to love and to be loved? A John Hughes movie? Julia Roberts Rom-Com? Episode of How I Met Your Mother? Deep.

Looking back months later, these reviews are horribly off.

Are they a gay band? It just hit me that "queen" is a thing gay men call themselves. And now all this talk of hand jobs. I never considered that before.

I'm glad they aren't boring us with all the politics and the gay angle.