
This show is hilarious! And you know what I really like is how the producers are not doing that lazy writing thing from their other shows, where the characters speak directly to the camera for no reason, like the entire show is a documentary. I'm so tired of that.

I don't know how to feel about this. I know the latest big thing is for movie actors to join tv shows, but not some crappy CBS sitcom retread. This is odd.

That guy is just full of charisma.

The rape story is casting a cloud over the whole season. How can they possibly resolve this in a satisfying way? They can't. They wrote themselves into a dark corner. They took two of the most-loved, sweetest characters and turned them into brooding, suffering shells. Bravo, jerks.

Come on. This must have been horrible.

Wow, what an incredible episode!

Who asked for a Carl episode? I have a bad feeling this is going to be a long boring season. Especially after the last couple of weeks when the producers of the show started "leaking" details about how all of our questions will be answered quickly. Mhm. You can't spin your way out of this.

Ooo, a concert DVD from when The Cure was awesome!

Commercials were horribly dull overall, but that Doberhuahua was hilarious.

I thought it was funny, but it annoys me how the media keeps writing stories about a Seinfeld reunion. We already had it on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Why is this still a story? Focus on your dumb Friends reunion.

Just keep Peralta and Santiago as partners. Do not put them in a relationship. That's absurd.

That was a B+? You're forcing it now.


Mock Trial with Judge Reinhold.

Bleh. I guess they have a plan for a different type of Lex Luthor. But also, I don't know why there can't be a Superman villain other than Lex Luthor. Haven't they covered every Lex angle by now between all the movies and tv shows and cartoons?

Agreed, he should not be in the movie. He's not an actor. All I see is the voice of 100 cartoon characters on this weird Seth Macfarlane face. Also, I think it's "case in point" not "and" point. Neither version really makes sense though.

What is the funny part of this?

You know what I hate about Spotify? How you have to open 5 additional windows and tabs just to hear the song that looks like it's embedded on a site.

Weird Al is rolling over in his grave.

Who invented this? I hope they just had some spare time to kill and didn't put weeks or months of effort into it with investors and a company valuation of $500 million like most pyramid schemes on the internet.