
RIP Skinny Pete. Also what happened to Frank Whaley? Was that makeup to artificially age him, or is he really aging that horribly and quickly? Very distracting.

Nothing will ever top that rhyming episode for stinkiness. I couldn't sit through 5 minutes of it. But yeah, this was also bad.

Clearly I don't like this show, because I thought this episode was dumb. But I'm so invested in the series, I can't stop watching now. I loved the first few seasons and that hooked me. Now almost everything they do is dumb. Whether it's an episode with the artificial sappiness or one with the wacky comedy like this

This might win the award for dumbest use of twitter. And there are thousands of dumb ways to use twitter. Also this was a huge waste of time. So much effort for something people might be slightly amused at for a few moments and then never think about again.

I don't know who Miyazaki or Bill Plympton or Harland Ellison are. So this episode was all sorts of confusing for me. I feel like I missed all the references.

What happened to Anna was completely unnecessary. I can't think of a show where the writer hates his characters more than this Julian Fellowes. He's just an evil prick. Despite all the horror and suffering and trauma all these nice people are forced to deal with, I still love this show.

Ok, who is John Teti? What site is he from?

Ben Affleck is perfect choice for this role, all the casting is really perfect, and I loved the book, but I don't see how this could make a good movie, even with a different ending. There's just not a lot happening. The book has a lot of suspense, but not in a way that would translate to the screen. Eh, they don't pay

Incest? What is this book about? I'm not going to read it, someone please reply with a synopsis of the whole book.

Is this for real, this new football column? Because it's too hard to type si.com in the url bar to read about football? Or the 100 other sites where we get sports info from? So we need it here as well? I think for this to make any sense you need some sort of new angle, or a cool writer with a built-in fanbase.

Omg I just learned Zoe Saldana is NOT the girl from Mission Impossible 2. Who is Thandie Newton? And has anyone seen her and Zoe Saldana in the same room at the same time?

Patton's description of the hipsters in downtown LA was one of the funniest things ever on this show, and also the most perfect description of the hipsters. If you live here you'll laugh so hard you'll cry.

Hmm, I'm undecided on this. She might be too hot for this part, but then again, maybe that's not a problem. I guess Mia Farrow was considered hot in the original.

Wye Oak gets the tiniest font size on the poster? That doesn't seem right.

They're on hiatus because look at that picture of all the band members saddled with horrible horrible children. There's no way their wives/moms will let them play with a band anymore.

Weird, I can't think of a single example of that in a movie. Even your example, I don't remember that.

What causes this? All of those horrible screenwriter classes we have all over LA? They're teaching everyone how awesome and totally original this phrase is.

I have seen this entire movie. It's just boring.

Ugh, she is so NOT funny. Maybe she'll get better on SNL somehow, but everything I've seen so far she's just aggressive and awkward. Not in a funny way.

Is this "My Disqus" thing broken for anyone else? It's had a notification with "3" next to it for weeks.