
It's weird when you gather opinions from people all over the country and wind up with this list of mostly bleh. I think it just shows that 2013 wasn't a great year for entertainment (except for TV, great TV all year!).

That was one of the most annoying audiences in the history of annoying audiences. So loud, and all those extended ovations. Did every semi-amusing song in the opening skit require 30 seconds of rousing applause and screams? No. They could barely get through the family feud and Barry Gibb skits because of all the

Great show, great season, great finale. I just wish there were more episodes and just a few answers. They didn't have to leave everything unanswered, but they did. How long do we have to wait for season 2?

So many remakes of this song, I don't think any of them top the original.

Come on.

Lol second best. AV club just has to be so subversive, for street cred.

Title should have been "The Past is another pointlessly realistic documentary posing as fiction from Asghar Farhadi" - whatever that means.

Funniest show ever on Comedy Central! Way better than the overhyped Chapelle show.

Lex Luthor? Come on. Is that the only villain in the Superman comics? Can't they do anything without Lex Luthor? Two General Zods was bad enough, do we need a fourth Luthor? What about Mr. Mxyzltplik? Or Bizarro Superman? Those are the only two I know. Whatever.

Wow, Josh Gad was available? What a catch.

If you don't care about anyone's opinion, why are you here reading this? That doesn't make any sort of sense.

You are a moron.

Everybody who replied to this is an idiot.

The mom is not good. I don't like her. Which is weird, because I usually like that actress. She doesn't fit here, or she's suffering from poor writing. That's probably it. They're trying too hard to make her seem like a girl Ted, but it's coming off as creepy and fake.

Upstream Color was brilliant for about 40 minutes, before it became clear that there was no story, that it was going nowhere, that it was just meandering and heading towards no end. It was just weird for the sake of being weird. A shame really, because the director is clearly talented. It's hard to decide which was

This seems like conspiracy hoo-haw. Dozens of girls and their families, and not one of them will testify? He shuts them up with shout-outs on his records? Hours of porn video, but they can't quite make out if they're underage girls? Come onnnn…

Then you're missing the point. There is video of him raping young girls. At least that's what this reporter claims.

That too.

Even though the best player didn't win, he was still the best player, and those seasons were the best. You're right, he didn't play the popularity game correctly and he lost. And yes, he should have known better. Maybe you don't remember his moves. He got the other tribe to give him an immunity idol! His alliance was

You are correct, the game is flawed. The voting system is flawed. It's a popularity contest. Sandra won TWICE doing nothing but being friendly and staying out of everyone's way. Nobody was ever mad at her. The goal should be to outwit, outlast, outplay everyone, but the actual goal is to make everyone like you at the