
So if I murder dozens of people and there's videotape of me doing it, I can pay off the families and the police won't charge me with any of the murders? How does that make sense? I feel like there's some bad reporting going on here.

So how is he not in jail? I'm confused by all of this. It makes me think none of these things happened and he's being slandered. That can't be right though.

Of course! He was probably the best player in the history of Survivor. Nobody even realized what he was doing to them until it was too late. And after they figured out what he did to them, they hated him so much that they wouldn't vote for him. Plus they had the lovely Parvati to vote for. oo la la

They photoshopped that 40-year-old actress to look 17 in this picture. There's no way she's 17. I have eyes.

The ones with Russell Hantz! The first two. Those were incredible, almost every week, so much insanity. And the other one with Pavarti before Russell. I've seen about 20 of the seasons, so it's hard to remember them individually, but those stand out. And two more stand out for being the worst. The Fabio one and the

I agree, and then how shocking was it when she got all clowned-up at her first tribal after getting voted off? All that horrible makeup! Predictable though, after seeing her mess of a mom slather on the clown paint. Someone needs to pull those two aside and let them know they should let their natural beauty shine

I was disappointed with this season, so the disappointing ending fell right in line. Although the editors of the show did a great job of stringing me along, making me think something interesting was happening when nothing really was (except for Ciera going crazy at the tribal council). Just a bunch of dull characters

I don't like musicals. My gf dragged me to that Book of Mormon and I didn't really like that either. It was ok. Just stop singing.

Yikes, that some list of proving my point. Like I said, chicks aren't funny.

The problem with this discussion is not that they can't find a funny black female comedian. There are no funny female comedians period, black or white. Everybody knows this. Let's move on.

I thought this was a good season-ender. Glad the governor is finally done, although I wish that girl hadn't shot him. I was hoping to see him all zombified, and then somehow become leader of the zombies! That would have been a good plot. At least they're done with the prison finally. That was such a burden on the show.

Yes, I am the official arbiter of what is worst. Just accept it.

Yeah, this was slightly disappointing. It definitely did not need to be a two-parter. Why would you want two episodes with your best character trapped in a box?

A-? Come on. I was out after 3 minutes of this nonsense. This was officially Worst Episode of the Series.


Haha! I don't know why I dislike this show so much. But then they go and kill the most popular character, so maybe that doesn't help.

To summarize the consensus of the comments, we all seem to agree that this was a mostly boring season with a horrible ending that actually answered nothing and forces us to trod through another dull season, where we still probably will not get any answers..

Booooooo. Lame.

Yeah, why don't they shut down that tunnel? Problem solved. It looks pointless. We used to have pedestrian tunnels here in LA but they closed them all so women would stop getting murdered.

What a great show! Even though it's in French. I love all the subtle twists and layers we keep getting each week. I'm worried they don't have enough episodes this season to wrap up the stories, and then we'll have to wait a year for the next season, and by that time I won't remember anything that happened.