
Hooray, Anne is gone! Our long, national nightmare is over!!

Dr. Who has been on for 50 years? YEARS? In America or somewhere else? Come on. I don't even know what channel it's on. The only reason I know it exists is because they keep talking about it on the av club.

Tell me more!!

That's a weird connection to make, between this show and Do the Right Thing. Aren't there like 1,000 Sal's Pizzas in NY? Anyway, another great episode!

Isn't he responsible for that boring season at the farm where nothing happens until the last episode? Yeah, TV isn't his best medium. It's fine to set mood and tone and build suspense, but there's a limit. It's like if the Green Mile was 13 hours long.

I've always wondered if her name is pronounced like "Jenna" malone or like "Gina" malone. Someone clear this up definitively.


No, nerd. I don't see the part with the community grades. I saw the reviewer's grade. You're not very bright, how are you keeping up with this mess of a show?

Haha, "hopefully." It's so important to you that you're hoping I won't watch again. Nerd. Also, who the fuck is Leander Whitlock? Uncle Junior? Why the fuck is he on this stupid show? You're just making my point.

So basically this guy has made one movie in the last 20 years and the AV Club is hailing him as a visionary or something. Sure, why not.

Great episode. The key to a successful season with the new cast is getting rid of the recurring characters. Kristen Wiig killed that tradition with all of her horrible characters that wouldn't go away because the writers were too lazy to come up with something new. Gilly. Target lady. Etc.

This season is a fucking mess. Having said that, I'm enjoying it.

So we don't get to grade anymore with this new site? Whatever, I would have given it a C. Typical slow nothing-happening episode. All you nerds were right: This show is not for me if this is considered a great episode by everyone. Why introduce yet another pointless character, Lou Gosset Jr, and then just kill him

This was a good movie, even though it wasn't in English.

The family visits were always the most annoying part of every season, so this has been like one long extension of that. We get it, you love your family, you don't have to act like a raving lunatic about it. So much crying this season about nothing. It's just over the top.

Thank you for pointing out I'm in the minority. Haha! Yes, I meant the family angle didn't work for me. I was so sick of all the blathering and crying and prancing and preening over loved ones. Like they were in some mortal danger, or they'd never see each other again. It was just overboard and annoying to me.

I don't care, I'll say it. This would be a much better show if Leslie and Ben were not the main characters. We get it, they're cute. hahaha. Everything else on the show is so much funnier. At least we got rid of Anne - damn, when will she leave already? I thought she quit the show.

It seems like these people are strategizing wrong. Shouldn't the weak band together to get rid of the stronger people who might win all the challenges and immunities? What's the point of getting rid of an old lady? Get rid of the threats. Although there aren't really any strong players. This season is not very good.

Yes, this might have been the weakest episode so far, but their "weak" show is still better than anything SNL or any other sketch show has done in 10 years. I also agree with everyone who complained that the promo spoiled the opening joke. Why would they do that?
