
Yes, finally a funny episode! This is the first A episode since the middle of season 2. What made it work: Very little CeCe, very little Nick/Jess, lots of the guys just being funny! Especially Schmidt and Winston, they were hilarious. The writers tried to ruin the episode with that crap at the end with Nick/Jess, but

My second episode of this show, and it was hilarious! I just don't yet understand if Mindy is considered hot or creepy or desirable or annoying or what. I'm sure I'll catch on, I'm adding this show to my regular rotation.

I don't know about that. If that was the case he would have at least let Lizzy say goodbye first. She would have been there in a day or two. He was just protecting his identity.

I want to shut down those sites because the lyrics are ALWAYS WRONG. It's like teenage girls are just guessing at the lyrics half the time and writing down whatever crap they think they hear. Very annoying.

How lame was that Cranston part? Just stick him in a room with a greenscreen and we'll pretend he's part of the show. Pfft.

Yeesh, they're trying really hard to make Red unlikable. Did he really have to kill Liz's father? Just to protect his identity? Which of course she'll figure out eventually anyway if this show lasts long enough. That was a bad move. Not such a great episode.

This was a fun movie, and it holds up ok.

And also, are all French men that ugly or is it just this show? What the hell is with their hair? Do French men look in the mirror, give their hair the Bozo the clown look, and admire themselves?

I'm afraid this show is heading in a bad direction. That creepy little boy, the murderer, the brother who came back from the dead, the fiancee, the old man, the butterfly, the lady who was a victim of the murderer, the twins, the cops, and whoever else they're going to spring on us. Let's not over-complicate the

Come on, not the Governor. The way the previews acted all excited about it, like how everyone should be pumped-up he's returning, am I the only one who was totally bored with the Governor by the end? Not looking forward to more of him. They need to leave the prison. It's turning into that horrible season at the farm

Do you work for the HBO/Boardwalk Empire Marketing department? This is an oddly PR-ish post.

I still don't get that FBI kid. So now Nucky is perfectly ok with him being an FBI agent and busting the heroin? And he was there when they threatened Lansky's life? What the hell is going on there? Who does Nucky think that guy is? He clearly has a badge. Maybe Nucky thinks he controls him. I'll go with that. And was

Why do they say fixins like that? Feeexins. It's hilarious, but I don't get it. It must be a reference to something else.

After last week's snoozefest, it was great to see The Simpsons back in form! Great episode.

Good point.

Oh god that sounds like a horrible idea for a show. It literally made my face crinkle up when I read it.

It's getting better now that there are less family members around.


I finally watched an episode and it was a lot better than what I've heard. I really liked it. LOL Lots of Laughs!

I know I'll get a lot of down-votes and comment attacks for posting this here, but what happened to this show? Seriously. It's unwatchable. It was my favorite show in season 1 and then it just fell apart. It was funny characters and wacky adventures and off-the-wall jokes, but now it's just Jess and Nick's stupid