
This is quickly turning into the funniest show on tv. It's just funny. No moral lessons like Modern Family, no standard couples humor like New Girl, no winking at its own cleverness like Parks & Rec. Just funny! Also I love the two girl cops so much.

Oh wow I forgot about that blind cop show! It sounds absurd in retrospect, but somehow it worked.

I'd like to preemptively give this episode a D- in the grading thing.

How about the fact that there's no chemistry between Ted and the mother? The two of them together just doesn't work.

I feel like these X-Men movies are taking talent/time/money away from other potential movies. There have to be more comic book characters than just X-Men, right? What happened to those Watchmen characters?

Chalky's family is absurd. Are those his kids? How is that even possible? They're from a different planet. Sure, the mom is cultured and fancy, but wouldn't the father have some influence over the kids? Give them just a smidgen of personality? Maybe I'm missing something there. But how would a hardened criminal like

Why was Daryl so upset about the liquor? Simmer down.

What happened here? How/why did my boring comment get so much hate?

Wow, this was really a horrible episode. I have to agree with everything the reviewer said about it. I think this is the first time I've ever disliked an Simpsons episode, other than the musical ones. Is Rachel Maddow famous enough to warrant that much of a guest appearance? I've barely heard of her. The Siri gag was

Best episode of the season, and I don't even know who Carrie Washington is. She was awesome though! Usually I don't enjoy "black people vs white people" jokes, but for some reason they weren't so offensive in this episode. I agree with the reviewer here, the new cast brings nothing to the table so far.

Nobody bothered to tell me this show is in French! That pissed me off, I quit watching after 10 minutes.

Dead last was the uncomfortable/awkward creepy guy who interviewed all the bands at the beginning of each video.

So the girl escapes the cult in Scranton and ends up working in 30 Rock. I like the concept, plus I get 2 of my favorite shows back!

I'm trying to re-read On the Road and Big Sur before watching these new movies. But reading is hard. Who has the time with all the tv and movies and netflixes??

STOP CRYING! I hate all of these whiny, co-dependent people in the game.

Goddamn this show is perfect. I couldn't stop laughing out loud during the continental breakfast.

I think it's funny they named this movie after that Futurama movie, Bender's Game.

If you were paying attention you'd understand my questions.

Haha, that was pretty helpful until the end when you decided to be a douchebag about it. You forgot "Why do they all speak in riddles?" which is what makes it so hard to follow. The answer is bad writing from pretentious ivy-league grads. I won't bother trying to get answers to whatever is going on with Al Capone.

I'll admit it. I can't follow some of the characters on this show and what they're trying to do. Why do they all speak in riddles? What's the deal with that FBI agent? First he was working for Nucky, now he's not? Is Nucky aware he's in the FBI? Is he some sort of double agent? What does he want? Who is Dr. Narcisse