
Haha, I enjoy how the reviewer was complaining about the exploitation of Maria as being mean-spirited. What isn't mean-spirited on this show?


Suspension of disbelief required. It's fine. Don't put too much thought into it.

Her husband is clearly dirty, but they're going to drag this out as a season-ending cliffhanger. That annoys me. It would have been more fun if he turned into a bad guy last night. Or at least if we knew what was going on. I don't care about boring housedad and the mysterious surveillance. Let's get to the good stuff.

I'm looking forward to this because that song he released earlier this year is incredible. What's it called, Defriended or something. Yes, that's it!

I didn't know that! Very cool. I just love his commercials so much. He should do that on SNL somehow.

Or is he even jumping to conclusions? Maybe he's just mad he didn't get to say goodbye before his zombie girlfriend was killed?

And if she just killed two zombies then who cares if she burned the bodies? Why is Tyrelle jumping to conclusions that they were living people before they were killed? This is a major plot hole, I'm having trouble getting past it. Help.

So Carol actually killed two people? I don't think they made this clear. Or had they already turned into zombies and she just put them down and then burned the zombie corpses?

The dude from the AT&T commercial was in this episode! The one where he asks kids questions. He was in the skit with the pest control guys.

This season continues to be horrible. What was the point of the tribe shake-up? The one potentially interesting element, families competing together, still isn't happening except for that one lady and her daughter. Whatever. At least they blindsided someone again. I guess that's something. Even though it feels like

But that's a minor quibble and i don't want to only post about that one minor semi-negative. They more than made up for it with everything else. These guys are brilliant!

Great episode as usual, but the cunnilingus sketch was the weak link. I feel like it was a rehash of eddie murphy's skit, plus that creepy ending was creepy.

Lol "talents of his band"

Colorization is underrated. Unfairly maligned.

It cracks me up when backup band members think they'd have a successful career without their lead singer. There's only one face in that picture that people would recognize on the street. Who cares who's playing the crappy music for his crappy songs?

I don't know what it is, but something about Diaz really works for me. I want to do sex to her.

What did it do? I remember they announced it, and then I never heard about it again. Seems like bad marketing or something.

I agree, the bad guys aren't over-the-top enough. They're crazy, but almost too real, too low-key, like regular people. It's a pretty fun show, but it would be even more fun if the bad guys were as charismatic/interesting as Red.

This show needs Andy.