
She doesn't even look like a Juliana anymore. She should go by Angry Jan. Maybe Janet.

Yeah, I'll get right on that.

I still don't understand why they voted off that Laura character, but who cares. All I know is whoever her loved one is on the other tribe, next week during the duel he/she will start bawling like a baby and threatening everyone who voted for her. This season is unbearable.

So this reviewer just started watching the show this season, right? How else to explain that last stray observation about them harmonizing? Like it's only in this episode.

Suspension of disbelief just doesn't exist in tv criticism anymore. Every bad review seems to be based on questionable plausibility. It's one thing to say the show just doesn't work for bad dialogue or bad acting or bad stories, but it seems weird to complain about things that aren't realistic on a tv show. Breaking

This is a pleasant show I enjoy watching.

Not Applejack!

Who are the funny female comedians of African descent? There has never been one on SNL, Kenan makes a valid point.

After seeing it this weekend in IMAX 3D glory, I already felt this film was overhyped and overrated. And then I read this and the reviewer pointed out something else I didn't really consider. The script was awful. The reviewer was spot-on here about the writer adding the clumsy overcoming-trauma storyline. This is not

This was a good, solid episode for SNL. None of those annoying repeat characters, except for that obnoxious son, I guess. I barely remember him. Anyway, the show is usually at its best when they come up with original skits rather than leaning on the crutch of re-purposing past skits. 90% of the time, these running

Why did they use that picture of the mashed potatoes for this review?

That was a strong start to the season. But I'm concerned about upcoming episodes because there was so much talk about that annoying governor. Please don't bring him back, I'm done with him.

I stopped watching the show halfway through last season, and then I tuned in last night. Shocking observations about the kids: Good god Alex has exploded! She's like twice the size the last time I saw her. And the puberty voices for Luke and Manny are hilarious! It was just shocking because that's not how I remember

I'm so excited about Ann Perkins leaving the show!!

Thank God my old comments will remain in the new system! We don't want to lose those gems. Future generations of AV Club commenters demand access to my old comments!

ooo I hope his horrible actress wife plays that same horrible screeching lunatic character she plays in all of his movies.

This has been a strong season? Am I the only one who dislikes this season? I guess it's not horrible, but I'm really annoyed with the family angle and everyone standing up proud and being all righteous and fancy about their family. Simmer down, jerks.

The Pitchfork review was pretty spot-on. Way more accurate than this review. I dont' even know if this reviewer ever heard Sleigh Bells before.

Wow I couldn't disagree more with this review. I think Sleigh Bells turned it down even more than the last album, they definitely did not "get their groove back." This one focuses a lot more on the vocals, you barely notice the guitars. It's very mellow compared to Treats. This is like a different band, way too pop-y.

Then we were put through a cavalcade of awfulness unlike anything I’ve seen on SNL in a while. Indeed.