
Wasn't she forced to record new music to pay off legal bills or back taxes or something? So yeah, I'm sure her heart wasn't in it.

This movie was amazing.

This was sad and uncomfortable to watch. I don't think I can watch again.

You're missing the point, braniac. There's a difference between loving your family and being emotionally and physically crippled by the thought of having to watch them lose a stupid game.

Another hilarious episode! They've just set the bar so high in past episodes, we aren't fully appreciating how great this one is.

I can't tell if this is real or if it's from The Onion. I want to see it.

Can everyone stop crying already? This was a horrible idea. They took the corniest/weakest part of every previous season, the family visits, and turned it into an entire season. I'm already tired of all the crying and kissing and hugging and loving and glancing and defending someone's honor blah blah blah. Where do

Wait until Lindelof has to deal with the fallout from his new show, The Leftovers - based on a book with no ending! I don't know why he would do that to himself. Or you could say he's good at things with no ending, so it's a perfect match.

Huh? Why would you remake a show we're already watching anyway? And with the same actor? This doesn't make any sense to me. At least with The Bridge they're remaking a foreign language show nobody saw.

Right, "Thank you Linus" won't get annoying at all after 20 weeks. So far they're trying too hard this season. Everything and everyone is all over the place, literally.

Cute show. But how are all these children better cooks than me? Are their parents helping? This is unpossible.

Glad to see this "new" reviewer is jumping right in with the typical negative attitude about The Simpsons. Wheeee.

What a bizarre picture. What's going on there?

Nope, this reviewer is pedantic. And you think you're intellectually superior, but you're actually just dumb and sad.

What I won't miss are these pedantic reviews that read like a Freshmen English paper.

Great finish to a great show. Probably the best show. Definitely better than infinitely overrated The Wire.

Great show, but I don't like the rich widow storyline so much. I'm sure it's heading somewhere and will probably be a bigger part of season 2, but it's sort of been dragging the show down most of the time. Not horrible, just not as good as the rest of the show.

Looking forward to the end of Anne. Crank out that baby and goodbye, useless character.

All shows need Peter Serafinowicz! Why isn't he a superstar yet? He should be up there with other Euro funnymen Ricky Gervais and Sasha Baron Cohen. Definitely top 3 funniest. I guess he hasn't found the right show yet. He totally deserves it, he makes everything funny.

The show was fine, good to see Mike Fox, etc. It just keeps catching me off guard when these network comedies make dirty jokes. Even mild ones like when Betsy said something about only doing stuff on top, or the other time when he hadn't taken his pills so she wouldn't have to do all the work during sex. It's just